Balloon Ties (Fenton x Female!Reader)

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AN: Gamerartist579 The last line of this x reader is the best line.

The knowledge of Fenton's secret identity, Gizmoduck, slowly spread through the McDuck household. It started with Launchpad and Dewey, then trickled into Huey's guidebook after an afternoon that was interesting to say the least.

You knew too, of course. He was your best friend after all. But you too had a secret of your own, one you haven't told anyone;

You were in love with him.

But, that was a story for another day. Today was Fenton's birthday and you were setting up a surprise party for him.

"Here, aunt (Y/N), these are all of the tie-shaped balloons I could find." Huey said dropping a pile of said balloons onto the table in front of her. "It's strange how most shops don't carry them."

You chuckled, and reached over to pull his baseball cap over his eyes. He grunted in annoyance and reached up to fix it. "Thanks, Huey. And why do you keep calling me aunt? We're not related."

"Not by blood," Dewey said jumping from nowhere.

"Or by ancestry," Louie continued, appearing beside you.

"But by heart!" the three said in unison, before taking off to go put up streamers.

You just watched them go, amused and confused by their antics. You then turned back to the task at hand; blowing up as many tie balloons as possible before Fenton comes home -and before the guests arrive. When you ran out of shaped ones, Huey brought in a box of thin balloons so you could make your own.

That wasn't as easy as it sounded.

Slowly the guests arrived. Some helped finish decorating and some helped themselves to the food you set out. Everything was going great.

Until Fenton came home early. He stopped in the doorway and just looked around the room. After a few minutes he jokingly asked, "What did I miss?"

"While you were out saving lives, I was in here making balloon ties." you deadpanned, throwing one at him -though that didn't really work well.

Fenton dropped his duffel bag -Gyro grumbled about the safety of the Gizmoduck suit- and grabbed the tie before it could float up to the ceiling like the others. "Really? You made this?"

"Don't sound so surprised, Fenton." you shot back, trying to sound annoyed but your smirk gave it away.

"Thank you, (Y/N), its lovely." he said, before dropping his voice to a whisper. "But not as lovely as you."

You walked over to him, willing the blush out of your cheeks. "You're cute," you said before grabbing his real tie and pulling him into a kiss. You ignored the cheers that erupted behind you and focused on the taste of Fenton's lips and the feel of his hands on your waist.

Happy birthday, bitch.

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