Chapter 5

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After helping Dean to his feet the Winchester's and the angel seated themselves at the large wooden table placed in the middle of the extravagant library. Castiel sat at the head of the table with a Winchester brother on each side. He calmed himself before beginning. He did not want to leave out any crucial information that might help.
Dean listened carefully as Castiel told him what had happened not that many hours before. A few questions were thrown in here and there by Dean and Sam.
"What do you mean our souls connected?"
"I've never heard of it happening between an angel and a human before but when it happens between Angel and Angel it is a sign of soul mates."
Dean looked awkward and uncomfortable like he may vomit at anytime.
"What? Cas that's insane. Soul mates don't exist. Two people aren't destined to be together forever. That's crap that card and chocolate companies tell people to sell tacky gifts on holidays or horny men tell lonely women about in bars to get laid for a night. I have personally used the soul mate line on girls in bars. It's all crap!"
"I'm sorry Dean. You are misinformed. Soul mates most certainly do exist."
"Wait. Does soul mate mean the same thing to you as it does to us?" Sam asked.
"My Father paired certain souls together because he knew that they needed each other. After a pair has been created nothing can keep them from each other. No matter where they go or what they go through they will always find a way to connect again. It's been said souls have jumped vessels just to be closer to there one true pairing. They crave each other in a sense. Again, that's angel to angel pairings."
"Do you think that's what it means for you and Dean?"
Dean shifted in his seat. He fixed his eyes on a watermark left on the table from a past Man of Letters. Anything to keep his eyes off Castiel and his brother.
"I don't believe so. I can not think of a logical reason my father would pair an angel soul with a human soul?"
"although, Dean is not just any human. He was supposed to be Michael's sword, his vessel. Maybe being an angel vessel has something to do with it. You an angel, him an angel vessel."
Never raising his eyes from the watermark Dean stiffened his spin and sat up straight in his seat.
"You're a vessel to Sammy. Why is it just my soul getting jumped and connecting?"
"Cas just said God himself decides the pairs. Dean, you have to consider the possibility. That could explain a lot about why God commanded you to be saved by Cas and why he rebuilt Cas's vessel so many times. All of it might have been done just for him to stay with you."
Dean sharply looks at Castiel. His eyes narrow.
"Why would God himself call you in front of The Council if he paired us together and if he didn't why couldn't your Angel of Truth sister just talk to us both and KNOW that it was an accident?"
Very defensively, Castiel narrowed his eyes to match Dean's.
"I told you I don't have the answers to any of this. I don't know why my soul joined yours? I don't know what it means. I have ten days to figure it out, Dean. Ten. Before I face three Arch Angels, the Angel of Truth and God my father. Ten days before the same Council that locked Amara in her box, decided to cast out Lucifer, and hunted down Cain when he possessed the Mark, decides my fate. You don't have to help if you are uncomfortable but don't waste my time asking questions you already know I don't have the answers to."
Dean felt like an ass. Castiel was right.
"I'm going to help. You know I don't want anything to happen to you. It is just a lot to wrap my mind around all at once. You just said we are soul mates Cas."
"I said angel to angel soul joining means soul mates. I don't know what this is. I've never heard of this before."
"How about we split up?"
Sam interjected.
"Cas look for anything angel soul related, Dean gets human soul related, and I will tackle souls connecting."
Sam could feel the conversation getting tense and thought maybe a few moments apart would do them all some good. It was a great deal of information to absorb for everyone.
After all three men knew the whole story and had there assigned research topic they went digging through stacks of books, mounds of files, and piles of folders. The remarkably large library fell silent. The only sound was shuffling of papers. The smell of old parchment paper and leather bound books surrounding them.

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