Chapter 8

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The air is clean, crisp, and cool. A smell of firewood floats on a slight breeze that is busy tussling the multicolored leaves that still cling to the shedding trees. Oranges, yellows, and reds explode and set the horizon on fire. Waves ripple on to the bank of the pond disturbing the restful geese awaiting southern flight.
Turning off his Angel Radio and blocking all prayer channels, Castiel settles himself on a metal park bench taking in the comfortable weather and beautifully peaceful landscape.
He has always liked parks. They are such a good place to watch humans in their natural setting. An incredible verity of size, shape, age, gender, and even ethnicity. Mothers pushing daughters on swings. Fathers helping sons across monkey bars. An elderly man walking to improve his health. An elderly women feeding the geese bread. Lovers holding hands anticipating the sunset over the pond. His father's most prized creations doing exactly what he had created them to do. Live.

Castiel watches as he has done the last 8 days. He just sits and watches humanity live. If it is to be his last days on earth, last days alive then he wanted to spend them in quiet peace.
His first day was spent at the Bunker. His next eight he spent watching. Leaving him due to stand in front of The Council tomorrow.
As soon as he left Dean in the Bunker he knew he would lose his case. There was no point in fighting it or trying to figure out a loophole. He loves Dean. He has the strongest longing for him that he has ever felt. His soul just found what he craved. It was his fault and he would take the punishment. He would except death. Anything for Dean Winchester.
Castiel noticed a couple walking past. The woman was pretty and the man was handsome. They were obviously an attractive young pair. He watched them walk around the pond hand in hand and eventually find a place to rest their feet. The man removed his hand from the woman's and placed it around her shoulders pulling her in close to his chest. As they rested on the bench and watched the sunset Castiel examined them closely.
The man was tall and healthy. Muscles noticeably flexed when he shifted any body weight. Clothes were clean and pressed, not a wrinkle to be found. He had a high dollar haircut performed recently on his coal black hair. Castiel was too far away to see his eye color or if his Rolex was real. Even though he would bet money it was. The man had an unnaturally dark tan for this time of year, of course, she did as well. Her store bought tan skin set her fake bleach blond hair glowing. She was thick in the thighs but definitely healthy herself. She wore clothes that clung to her figure and enhanced her strongest attributes. They were beautiful people that took pride in looks and possessions.
Castiel had a moment where he felt pity for them. Sitting on that park bench, watching the sun sink, cuddling in warm arms, they looked happy and in love with the world. but he could feel the woman's longing for the man's heart and the man's longing for the woman's ass. Then for the first time, Castiel felt pity for himself. He wished Dean was occupying the empty space next to him watching the sun disappear. He wished Dean's strong arm was around him pulling him closer. He wished for just a minute that Dean was his, even if like this woman, he didn't have his heart.
The couple stayed until the sun was nothing but a simple glow in the distance. As they walked towards the park exit Cas took his gaze away from them and focused on the fireflies that made their sudden appearance. The reflection of the bugs off the pond was enchanting. Little lights dancing on the water. He could now hear peep frogs singing songs. He could see the stars flicker like diamonds in the sky. The moon started to get brighter in the background. Everything seemed to fade away from his mind. His father really did have talent. The Earth was a marvelous place and at this moment it was peaceful. Castiel closed his eyes to soak it all up.

After what felt like hours of collapsed eyelids Castiel reluctantly opened his eyes. He was no longer sitting on the bench and his peaceful mind was gone. All that he saw was white walls. No more natural open space. In front of him stood Angels. No more bugs and frogs. Directly behind the Angels, seated in a chair, placed in the middle of a long white rectangular table was his Father. No more cute couples.
God stretched his hand towards Castiel and gestured for him to sit in a single chair not five feet in front of God's table. Castiel did as he was sorta told.
Then God nodded his head towards Amitiel. She stepped forward and began to speak.
"Castiel, Angel of The Lord, you have been summoned to appear today in front of The Council to plead your case. You have been accused of breaking our laws and joining souls with the human Dean Winchester."
She spoke louder than she probably needed to for such a small place. Her voice echoed off the luminous white walls and left a ringing in Castiel's ears.
"Council members present today include:
God, Our Heavenly Father.
Archangel Chamuel, Angel of Love.
Archangel Muriel, Angel or Harmony.
Archangel Haniel, Angel of Passion for Life.
Also, myself. Amitiel, Angel of The Lord, Angel of Truth."
As she went through the names of the angels Castiel could not help but think how formal it all was. He knows his own brothers. Yet, she had to state there names and titles. As she went through the names Chamuel and Muriel took their seats at the right side of God while Haniel went to the left. Amitiel then took her seat beside Haniel. Their chairs sat just an inch shorter than God's but it was enough to elevate him above all others.
The next voice to speak sounded as smooth as butter. Soft and light as a feather. Not loud and harsh like you might expect God to be.
"Explain yourself, my son."
Castiel looked at God's face for the first time. Really examined it. He didn't seem angry or upset. He did not show an ounce of surprise or disbelief. In fact, there was no trace of emotion or opinion at all. His face was showing Castiel nothing.
He kept his eyes on his Father.
"I am guilty of the action I've been charged with and I will take the proper punishment with no argument."
"Blasphemy! This is not the brother I remember!"
Haniel interrupted.
"The General that lead God's most fierce armies for millennia! The Angel that caused a rebellion in Heaven for his own free will! I don't believe you would give up your blessed life so easily! So carelessly! I do not recognize this soul in front of us! Where is my brother!?"
Haniel had a voice that was extremely persuasive even when angry. He could convince the Easter Bunny he was a dog. He had such raw passion when he spoke of life. Be it animal, human, or Angel. He could convince you life was worth living and that it was glorious. He could talk you off the ledge right as you are ready to end it all and jump.
"Perhaps we should ask our real questions and get some answers. After all, getting to the truth is why we are here."
"Fine Amitiel. I will begin."
Haniel's voice changed from emotional to professional. Out of the three archangels in the room, Castiel had spent more time with him than any other. They had been assigned many missions together and always worked well with each other. Castiel could tell he was desperately trying to understand what would make him throw his life away with such ease.
"How did you get your soul to join with a human?"
"I don't know."
"Try to think real hard brother."
"He was in emotional pain and I tried to use my grace. It was not working so I tried to focus harder and it just happened. My soul took over my vessel."
"If it were not physical pain why were you attempting to heal him?"
"Physical or emotional it makes no difference. They both cause pain and distress to humans. They are complex creatures. I was only trying to ease his pain."
"Why do you care about his pain? His pain is not your cross to bear."
Castiel looks away from God for the first time. His eyes now on the white floor. No words wanted to exit his mouth.
After a moment a different voice entered the conversation.
"Every demon in Hell, human on Earth, all the monsters in Purgatory, all the angels in Heaven, and every Archangel in this room knows why Castiel. So let's hear it. With much of the human population suffering why do you care if this one man is in pain?"
Castiel had never heard Chamuel talk before. He had only encountered him a hand full of times and they never got the opportunity to chat.
It was a beautiful voice. So calming. Which was a good thing at the moment? It helped Castiel ground himself and find his hidden words.
"I stormed the pits of hell to pull him from Perdition. I rebelled against Heaven. I killed my brothers and sisters. I fought my way through Purgatory. I have been hunted. I have fought the worst monsters and villains that had risen upon Earth. I lost my wings, my grace, and I have died more times than I care to talk about. I have stayed by his side, healed, and watched over him everyday sense God commanded me to save him."
"Why?" Muriel asked.
Castiel had interacted with Muriel often when his home was in Heaven and Castiel knew when he spoke he was clever to choose his words carefully. He was certain Muriel knew the power of such a simple one worded question.
Castiel raised his eyes up to meet God's gaze once more.

"When God our Father gave us our first order after he was done with the creation Earth he demanded that we love humanity more than we love ourselves. I fought battles in humanities name. I watched over the Earth and protected her with my very being so that humans could thrive and live. I was victorious because I did love them more than myself. I obeyed my Father."
Cas sat up straighter and with more confidence in his tone of voice he continued.
"Then God our Father gave me, individually, an order. He commanded I storm the gates of Hell and raise the righteous man's soul from Perdition. Again, I obeyed my Father."
Castiel wanted to yell. He wanted to shout. He wanted to scream. Instead, he steadied himself in his chair and leaned forward to speak directly to God.
"Why do I care about one human's pain you ask. From the very moment I saved him, the very moment I saw his soul, I knew it was the most beautiful soul I had ever seen. I have given my life for him before and if it means he is no longer in pain than I give my life for him again, now, and of my own free will. Why?"
God finally meet Castiel's eyes.
"Because I love Dean Winchester."
"You would give your life freely for him knowing your death would be permanent. No deals. No spells. No tricks. No rebuilds. Eternity in darkness."
Without hesitation or question, Castiel answered his Father.
"Anything for Dean Winchester."

In an immediate and surprising flash of blinding white and gold light, God was gone.

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