Chapter 12

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Sam walked over to Castiel and hugged him so tight it took his breath away.
"I'm glad your ok, Cas."
"Thank you, Sam."
"Hey! You guys must be starving! Why don't I go whip something up and Cas can fill us in on what Dean missed?"
"That sounds great Sammy. Doesn't it Cas?"
"Yes. Of course, it does."
Dean and Sam made their way to the kitchen as Castiel followed.
"You guys have had a long day. Sit. I will cook. I'm better at it anyway." Sam smiled and winked at Dean.
"I'm going to let that go Sammy. Just because I'm in a good mood. Bitch."
Dean sat down at the table next to Castiel. Castiel's mind was still thinking about the rings in his pocket and had not noticed that he was nervously wringing his hands under the table. Dean, however, noticed immediately and took one of the angel's hands in his. He turned Castiel's hand upright and started running his fingers in along the inside of his palm, tickling his hand. Then he placed his hand directly on top of Castiel's and interlocked their fingers.
Whispering Castiel asked, "what are you doing?"
"As many movies as I have made you watch you should know."
Not happy with the answer he went to remove his hand from Dean's. Dean tightened his grip and refused to let go.
"It's called holding hands. All couples do it."
"If that's what you want?"
Dean started to lean in closer to Castiel but before their lips could meet again banging of pans and clatters of plates came from behind them.
"Need help there Sammy?" Dean asked.
"No. I don't need help. I would like to hear from Cas what I missed though while we wait for dinner."
Castiel filled the brothers in on his couple of days sitting and watching in the park. Then moved on to his Council appearance. Next, he described God's sudden disappearance to retrieve Dean.
Dean intervened and told Castiel and Sam about his visit with God.
While Dean told his part of the story, Sam placed silverware and plates in front of each of them. Then placed the food in the middle of the table and took his seat. In between taking bites of food, Dean and Castiel told Sam about their joint confessions and the angel's verdicts and reasonings. Castiel was telling them of his conversation with God in the library. Of course, leaving out the bits about the rings, as the stories and dinner both came to an end Dean started to clear off the table. Sam got a questioning look on his face.
"I have a question. I'm happy he did but if God already knew the verdict why did he allow the last question?"
"God said Dean was on the fence about our relationship and needed to make a choice."
"Since you are both here I am assuming he made the right one."
"Oh come on Sammy, I always make the right choices." Dean chuckled. Sam rolled his eyes and looked back at Castiel.
"One more question. Why is it such a big deal Cas? I mean it seems like angel to angel, even human to human, soul connection is a common occurrence. Why is it such a big issue for it to be a mix?"
"Well, in the little bit of research I did before I left the bunker I think I figured that part out."
Castiel stopped.
"It's difficult to say, Dean."
"Out of all the things we said today this is difficult?"
Dean and Sam both had a look of concern.
"I believe it has to do with lifespans. When souls join they are connected for the beings eternity. If it's human souls, they would be connected until the human body perishes. If it's angels souls, angels are not supposed to die so they are connected for eternity."
Castiel drew a deep breath and let it out.
"Dean will die before I do, in theory. When he does my soul will be without its true pairing and will be lost."
Sam looks at Dean for a reaction. For the first time since they returned, Dean's smile is gone and he is expressionless. He walks over to the table and sits back down beside Castiel.
"What happens when a soul is lost?" Dean asked shyly.
"I don't know. I did not get that far."
"We will figure that out. We will start doing research and finding out as much as we can." Sam's sentence is interrupted by his very own yawn. "We will start tomorrow. Right now, however, I think it's time for bed."
"You know it has been a rather long day. I think some fresh air to clear my mind would do me good before resting."

Castiel stood up, slid his chair back in, and left the kitchen. He made his way to the front door. Stepping outside into the cool air. It was refreshing. There was a crisp chill in the air but it was not cold. The stars were shining brighter than he had ever seen.
He walked around the driveway for a while mindlessly kicking rocks. keeping his hand in his pocket playing with the rings. Looking towards the lights in the sky amazed by there sparkle. He felt peaceful and calm. He felt happy.
Not watching where he was going, he collided with the front bumper of Baby. Alarmed he checked to make sure no harm was done to Dean's pride and joy. Relieved to find no dents or scratches. The stars were reflecting off the black paint like a mirror. Castiel ran his fingers along her hood touching the stars.
"You know I don't let just anyone touch her like that."
"I have always liked her."
Dean smiled.
"Sam went to bed. He said all the excitement wore him out or something like that. I don't know."
"That's alright."
"I didn't know you liked her. What is it about her that gets ya?"
"She's incredibly important to you and you are incredibly important to me."
Dean smiled again and pulled the keys out of his jeans. He opened the driver side door and slid in. Placed the key in the ignition and gave it a slight turn. He then pulled a tape from the glovebox and inserted it in the player and adjusted the volume. He rolled down the window and exited the car. Closing the door behind him.
Dean then walked to the front of the car and took Castiel's hand off of Baby. He used his hand to guide Castiel's to the back of his neck. Dean then moved that hand to the small of Castiel's back. While their other two hands found each other and intertwined.
A beat came from the radio.
"Dance with me Cas."
"I don't know how."
"I will lead."
"I don't know Dean."
They dance slow.

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