Chapter 9

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Sam stood at the Bunker kitchen counter. He rubbed his sleepy eyes as a cold chill run down his spine. He poured two cups of hot coffee into mugs and headed straight down the hall. It's been hours since the sun went down. Not that they had been out of the Bunker in days to even see the sun. Reaching the library Sam leaned against the doorframe and watched Dean for a few moments.
Dean had slept through the entire car ride home after the Werewolf case. Sam had to help him inside and into bed. After he finally awoke he got a shower, grabbed fast bite to eat, then refused to do anything other than drink and find a way to try an save Castiel. Looking through every inch of the Bunker repeatedly.
The last couple days Dean got no sleep and would not eat. He would get pissed and throw anything within reach, down a whole bottle of whiskey in one drink, lock himself in his room and pray, and in the last few hours, he even started picking fights with Sam.
Sam was not upset with Dean one bit. Sam better than most understands that his older brother may lose the person he truly loves. Sam often thinks of Jess. He frequently has dreams about her. Sometimes good and happy memories. The day they first met or the day he asked her to marry him. Other times her death and him not being able to save her. The fear he felt when he saw her on the ceiling. He would not wish that pain on anyone. Especially his brother.

As Sam is watching Dean skim the pages of a book he has already checked twice, Dean notices him.
"I got you some fresh coffee."
"You know Sammy, I was thinking. What if we just use the tracking spell, find Cas, and force him to come back with us?"
"I don't think we can force Cas to do anything he does not want to do."
Dean pounds both his fists on to the wooden table. Took a deep breath in to calm his nerves and to keep from yelling.
"He wants to be here with us. I know it."

Before Sam could say a word in response he becomes blinded by a vibrant beaming ray of white and gold light. The light fills the whole room and floods into every inch of the room. Overflowing into the halls. Sam drops both cups of coffee, shattering the mugs, in an attempt to shield his eyes. When he lowered his hands and cracked his lids open the light was gone and so was Dean.

"Dean Winchester. You look awful. You know a nap wouldn't kill you."
Dean struggled to get his balance and to keep from vomiting. He felt as though he just rode the worlds fastest roller coaster after eating a chilly-dog. He was standing, bent in half, one hand on his stomach the other on his knee.
"What the hell happened!? Son of a bitch!"
"Well Dean, to be honest, I could use your help."
Dean knew that voice. That plain as day, simply ordinary, nothing God-like at all voice. Dean lifted his head and saw the face he knew fit the voice.
"Please Dean, we are in Heaven, call me God."
He stretched out his arms trying to show Dean where he truly was. Dean was in no way interested in taking a look around he just continued looking at God.
"I could use your help to save Castiel."
Dean rushed to the shorter man and clenched his shirt collar in both hands. Had there been a wall close Dean would have the smaller man pinned up against it.
"Save Castiel!? It's your fault he's in this mess! You called him before The Council!"
God placed one hand on top of Dean's. Dean could feel God's power flowing through his hands and relaxing his muscles to the point where Dean had to release his hold.
"Dean look around you. You are in my house. You can't manhandle God in the middle of Heaven."
Dean looked around for the first time. He was alone with God in a sparkling white room. No furniture, windows, or even doors. Nothing. Just the two men.
"Why did you bring me to Heaven?"
"I told you. I need your assistance."
"Saving Cas? How?"
"I created Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, humanity, I created everything in existence."
"Brag much."
God rolled his eyes and continued.
"I had infinite power. To much power to be honest. The power was all consuming. It would cause me pain if I did not use it often enough. I created the Archangel's for the purpose to divide my power among them. They were all limited with individual strengths so their power was not too great. However, with multiple entities harboring that kind of juice, we needed rules and laws and consequences for the miss use of the given powers."
"So the council is like Earths judge and jury."
"And executioner. Yes."
God paused and took a breath.
"The original council and I sat up laws and punishments for Angels. Then together we created laws for me to follow as well."
"Original Council?"
"Lucifer, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. If they were off in battle or on separate missions for me another devoted Archangel's sat in their place temporarily. Now the originals are no more and The Council's seats have been reassigned."
"How do you fit into The Council?"
"They present cases before me and I approve that it is deserving of their time. It's rare that a case is deserved. We possibly have two cases in a hundred years. I oversee the case and when a verdict is set and punishment decided I myself carry it out."
"So If they sentence Cas to Death?"
"I would be the one to kill my son."
"What happens if you refuse."
"I can't refuse Dean. That's my law. If I refuse I must destroy all creation and remain alone for all eternity."
Dean turned his back to God. He closed his eyes to let the weight of God's words hit him. He stayed silent and tried to wrap his mind around all the information he had been given.
"Why did you accept Cas's case. If it's rare, why this one?"
"Your souls joined Dean. It's never happened between an Angel and a human. It's against Angel law. Castiel did it freely without hesitation, without a second thought. It was impossible to give a reason not to."
"If I'm not mistaken he has broken many laws before on purpose. I don't see the big damn deal about this one. He didn't mean to this time. He didn't even know what he was doing. It was an accident."
God said nothing. Dean turned around and opened his eyes. With anger thick in his throat Dean asked
"Why tell me all this? Why try to save him if he broke your precious laws anyway!?"
"I know his reason. He told the whole Council his reason. I do not blame him for what happened. In fact, I blame myself."
Dean's head tilted to the side. His teeth grinding as his jaw cocked to one side. Questioning look plastered on his face.
"When I created Castiel I gave him an undying streak of loyalty and I showered him with bravery and strength. He made the perfect warrior of Heaven." God smiled remembering his work.
"I also installed in him a free will spirit, a questioning personality, and a rebellious soul. I knew these things were dangerous to install in a Commander of Angel armies but I also knew he would need these things after he raised you from Perdition. He would need them to earn your trust and to help you stop the apocalypse."
"You knew he was going to save me when you created him?"
"It was all destined to happen. I created him for two main reasons. To lead armies and to save Dean Winchester. Until today I did not realize what I had personally done to him. What I had personally mixed into his very existence."
Dean's jaw unclenched and he took a step forward. The anger in his voice turned shaky. Scared of the answer so much that he almost did not want to ask. Fearful of what God had done to Castiel. Dean hardly got the words out.
"What did you do to him?"
"After creating laws against it, I Unknowingly connected your souls."

It had been quiet for a long period of time. Neither God nor Dean said anything. God watched Dean as he was deep in his own thoughts. Dean's knees finally gave under the weight of everything and he fell back. To his surprise, he heard fingers snap and he landed softly on a spotless white chair. He looked up from the chair to see God snap his fingers again. A chair identical to Dean's formed directly in front of him. God slid down into his seat facing the older Winchester.
"I knew you two had a profound bond and I knew you considered each other family. You don't have to be all-mighty to see that you care deeply for each other. Yet I missed the very thing I myself placed in your souls."
"Cas and I being connected is an accident? That's what you're saying to me?"
Dean felt a pain in his chest just saying the words.
"He was supposed to be a well-oiled machine but instead, he ended up being a malfunctioning piece of equipment. Broken by the creator?"
Dean asked his question with a shaky voice and at an alarming volume. God could tell he seemed hurt by the thought of their relationship being a cosmic afterthought.
God smiled. White teeth shining kind of smile. That's the sign God needed from Dean to confirm his feelings.
"I created his soul and I placed you in it. I created your soul and I placed him in it. I did that with divine purpose. It was no accident he gripped and raised you, Dean. It was no accident he refused to leave you and rebelled. No accident that he was able to earn your trust and respect when very few get that honor. It was no accident that you protect each other. And it is most certainly no accident that you have come to love each other."
Dean's hands became sweaty and his mouth very dry. He remained silent.
"Dean, the only accident was that it took me so long to notice that he fell in love with you and that you returned his affections."
Dean squeezes the arms of the chair so tight his knuckles turned as white as the chair it's self. Still, he sat in silence.
"Dean, help me save his life."
Dean could feel his heart about to come out of his chest it was beating so fast. He remained silent.
"I will call you before the Council. They already know of your connection. Castiel confessed it without realizing it himself. Tell them how you feel. Amitiel will know you speak the truth. It's the best shot we have at winning."
Still silent, he nods once in agreement.

In an immediate and consuming flash of light, God was gone.

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