Chapter 7

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Dean bolts through the front doors of the small brick building just in time to see Sam being hurled out of a window. Shards of splintered wood and fractured glass surrounding him as he rolled with his head down to protect his face. Dean runs with maximum exertion towards his badly beaten younger brother.
Two men walk out of the door directly to the right of Sam's window. Both men looked to be in their early twenties. They were tall, at least 6'3. They shared the same build. Wide shoulders with very defined arms and legs. Veins popping out of their skin without even a flex of the muscles. Clothes were old and dirty but hugged their bodies like a child to a teddy bear. They have the same blond curly hair that Sarah had. If it were a bit longer their hair might bounce as well. Same brown eyes and nicely proportional face. The one single difference that could be seen between the twins was noticeable only in the face. One brother had massive scars that ran from above his brow down under the neck of his shirt. The scars appeared to be Werewolf claws. Even though they were healed anyone could see that they were deep and painful when fresh. This brother had a history. A painful past. The scars made him look a good five years older than his brother. Even with added age, there was no denying the identical twin gene.
"Two Hunters. Well, well, well, it's our lucky day isn't it Seath."
The Wolf's voice was deep and intense. His gaze piercing.
"How do you know we are hunters?"
Dean scoffed.
"Please don't make me laugh. Fighters stance ready, guns and knives hidden in every nook and cranny, and my favorite, your eyes."
"You can tell by our eyes?"
Dean almost laughed the question instead of asking it.
"They are heartless. Soulless. No sympathy, compassion, remorse, guilt. No love for anyone or anything except The Job. Hunters are nothing but cold-blooded. It's hilarious that we are referred to as the monsters of the earth."
"Let's just go Seff."
Placing his hand on his twin's arm, he pleaded with his eyes. He was definitely not a fighter.
Sam was moving with the speed of a sloth. Dean knew he had to buy time for him to get back on his feet.
"Leaving so soon and without Sarah? Man, I may be a monster but if I had a baby sister I sure wouldn't leave her behind!"
Dean smiled wildly, adding salt to wound.
He saw the twins glance at each other than both their eyes secured on Dean's face. Seff, the fighter and obvious leader of the two, walked down the three steps and ceased any other movement. Seath matched his brothers action with much less confidence.
Seff took in a long drag of air and puffed out his chest. He raised his head in a poetic fashion. He almost looked as though he was going to start quoting Shakespeare. In that deep voice that sounded like a roll of thunder in the distance, Seff locked eyes and spoke directly to Dean.
"In the begin when our Alpha gave us these lands to rule we had 200 Wolves in our pack. We were humble, content, and peaceful. We had lead quiet lives in this area feeding on animals for hundreds of years. Never harming a human life. Now, look at us. We have been driven to starvation and uprooted out of our homes by the destruction of our lands by man. Hunted to near extinction and deemed monsters by misunderstandings hunters such as yourselves. Out of 200 only 3 of us remain."
He paused for a moment to make sure he still had the Hunters attention or for dramatic effect, Dean was not sure which.
"I was hesitant at first. Did not want to draw attention. Especially from your kind. However, desperation causes strange behavior and desperate times call for drastic measures. Plus, human hearts did taste deliciously better than animal hearts. We have protected and shielded Sarah from the bloody parts for years now. Bringing her back scraps. Giving her small jobs to do while we hunted. Trying our best to keep her innocence as long as possible. Recently, however, it became imperative to include her. Taking on a whole town no matter how small and unnoticed ...well, you know the saying, many hands make light work. We needed her."
"Why are you telling us this?" Dean was curious as to why the elder twin was freely giving him their backstory.
"So you understand. She has a lot to learn yet. We have cleaned up her messes but every year she gets better. It's hard learning how to make clean rips and tears when all you want to do is take a bite out of the heart you can hear pumping blood a mile away."
Sam was now on his feet and standing upright by Dean's side. Dean looks at Sam with questioning eyes. Sam nods to reassure that he is good and ready. He placed his hand on the grip of his gun, ready to pull.
"I get Scarface," Dean says with a grin as he reaches for his gun handle as well. 
"Only 3 remain. We would die to protect her. I will only ask you once hunter and don't lie to me! Where is Sarah?"
His voice was no longer a roll but a crashing roar of thunder and lightning. The storm was so close Dean could feel the reverberations in the air from his breath.
Hand still on his gun. Dean drew a deep breath. Straightened his back and squared his shoulders.
"One of you should have stayed with her. You can only die protecting her if you are with her to keep her safe."
Dean releases his gun. He wants to fight. He has had so much anger built up he needs to let it go. He has to have a clear mind when he gets home. "Sorry boys but out of 200, only 2 remain."
Dean lets a smile run across his lips.
Both Seath and Seff have the same reaction to Dean's words. Anger.
The twins change at the same time. Eyes change from earthy brown to a fungus yellow. Claws withdraw from fingers just as sharp dagger-like teeth withdraw from gums.
The Werewolves were not that far away from the Winchester's, to begin with. Add that with the twin's impressive speed and it only took seconds for them to charge and the fighting to begin.
Seath gets to Sam before he gets his gun all the way in the air. With a right hook straight to Sam's jaw, he stumbles back losing his grip on his gun. Still on his feet, however, he manages to block the next few jabs to the face with his forearms raised. A sudden kick to the gut dropped Sam to his knees. Perfect position to grab the knife from his boot. Before Seath could land another kick Sam came up swinging the blade in hand. Finding a meaty target. Clutching a smoldering gash across his chest the Wolf let out a pain filled howl. He forgets that he is not the experienced fighter between the two brothers. His thoughts are only on his grief. Claws ready to dig and teeth ready to bite, feet off the ground, and arms stretched in front of his body. Seath catapulted himself towards Sam. Sam dropped to his knees just as the Wolf was flying directly over him. Sam thrust the blade up with all his strength and places it in Seath's heart. Blood flows down over Sam like a waterfall over rocks.
Out of 200, only 1 remains.
Both Dean and Seff had taken a few good hits and kicks. Dean knew he would be in pain tomorrow. Seff just kept coming with furry Dean had not seen in a while. Blow after blow. Jab after jab. He even tried to bite Dean a time or two. Dean blocked the attacks well. When he was finally able to get a good hit in it took Seff by surprise and made him fumble, falling to one knee. For a moment Dean could see Sam standing up pushing the werewolf's lifeless body off of him. Sam was completely covered in blood. Hopefully not his own.
It was instantaneous. One second Dean is lost in thought the next he is on the ground with punch after punch striking his face. The scared wolf was showing no compassion or concern. Why would he? Dean's mouth filled with blood. He tries to spit but chokes. He could feel his face cracking in multiple spots with every blow.
Then he felt nothing. A weight had been lifted from him.
Dean lifted his head off the ground just enough to see Sam standing behind Seff holding him immobilized up against his body. Sam's arms under Seff's holding them up behind his own head. Sam's feet placed inside of Seff's. Keeping his feet spread apart. Sam struggling to keep the Werewolf in place.
Dean rolled on his side and stretched his arm towards the gun that was now in his line of sight. With the gun in his hand, he made his way up to his knees. Everything was moving in slow motion. His head felt heavy.
"I can't see straight Sammy. I'll hit you."
Sam moved his feet away from Seff's.
Sam moved his hands away from Seff's.
Sam pushed his whole body in the opposite direction as Seff's.
Dean aimed the best he could and pulled the trigger. A blast and a crack echoed as a silver bullet went precisely on track and penetrated the Werewolf's heart. He was dead before his body hit the ground.
Sam rushed to Deans side. Examining the wounds on his face.
"We need to get you cleaned up."
"Help me back to Baby. We got to get back to the Bunker."
"Dean you can't drive like this. We will stay the night and get cleaned up and leave in the morning."
Dean starts digging in his pants pocket and pulls out his keys. He then placed the keys in Sam's hand. Sam was unsure what Dean was thinking or what was happening.
"You drive."
"I think you have brain damage Dean."
"Three Werewolf'a are dead. Case solved. The job has been done."
"Cas might be at the Bunker right now. We have been gone too long already. We need to go back. Now, Sammy."
Sam understood perfectly at Dean's mention of Castiel. Without further argument, Sam helped Dean to his feet and over to Baby. Dean crawled in and fell asleep in the back seat. Sam was sure he passed out it happened so fast.
While Dean slept, Sam went through all the tiny buildings in the town. Mostly termite infested wooden buildings that were buckling under there own weight. Shingles missing from every roof. Paint peeling from every wall. Holes in windows with broken glass upon the floors. Old toys and clothes covered in dust lying askew. The Sheriffs Station was the only brick structure in the whole town and from the looks of things the only sturdy one.
Knowing he didn't have the energy or the time to clean up all the evidence of the Werewolves he decided swiftly to set the small town up in flames. After starting multiple fires he went to work burning the bodies including The Sheriff, Sarah, Seff, and, Seath.

After Sam was convinced no one could discover the truth and he was satisfied by the pyromaniac techniques he headed back to Baby. He tossed Dean's leather jacket over his older brother to keep him warm on the ride home. He then slid into the driver seat and turned the ignition. No wonder Dean loves this car so much, Sam thought as he drove out of the small town. Flames dancing in the review mirror.

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