Chapter 10

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God had talked and sat with Dean for an earthly hour. However, he was gone only minutes in Heaven time. When his vanishing act was over and he was seated back at the long white rectangular table, between the angels, facing Castiel he spoke quickly.
Before the Archangel's or Castiel could get out there inquires on his sudden disappearance and reappearance God's voice thundered through the room.
"I call before the council Dean Winchester."

Dean struggled to get his balance and to keep from vomiting. The roller coaster feeling swarming his body again. He was standing, bent in half, one hand on his stomach the other on his knee. Castiel was already on his feet and standing in front of Dean before he had time to think of anything else. Castiel places one hand on Dean's shoulder and lowered his voice so only Dean could hear him.
"Are you alright, Dean?"
Dean straightened his body in an upright position and gradually opened his eyes. To his right side stood his Cas, with his hand still on Dean's shoulder. He could see Castiel's face perfectly. The angels in front of him were an entirely different story. All he saw were figures of bright light.
"I'm pretty far from alright, man! What the Hell is happening to me?"
"You are in Heaven Dean. This is The Council."
"I know where I'm at. Why can I only see bright lights? Where's the rest of the Angels? Where's God?"
"In Heaven angels don't need to wear their vessel's. They are the bright lights directly in front of you. You are looking at their souls Dean."
"Then why can I see you?"
"I was on earth when they called me. I already had my vessel on."
Castiel felt anger creep up in his entire body. He left Dean to protect him. He spent his last days alone to keep him from harm. He volunteered his own life to keep him safe. Now all that was in vain. Castiel removed his hand from Dean's shoulder and balled his fist. He took a step around Dean. Placing himself between Dean and The Council.
"I request for the duration of the case that The Council move into their vessel's. Dean's eyes are not accustomed to the brightness of angel souls."
God nodded his head and in seconds Dean could see all the faces glaring at him.
Cas then spoke in a deeper voice than Dean had ever heard.
"I came when The Council called. I have answered the questions asked and I have given private information freely. I pleaded guilty and volunteered my own life to you. Why has Dean been called before The Council? Have I not given you enough to determine my fate?"
Dean could not believe what he had just heard with his own ears.
"You volunteered your life!? What the hell!?"
Castiel did not take his focus off The Council members even though he was now speaking to Dean.
"It's my life to give, Dean so shut up and don't say another word!"
"Screw that!"
Dean grabs Castiel by the shoulder and spins him around on his heels so he is facing him again.
"That's not how I see it! I asked you to stay with us. I told you we would find a way to save you or fight to protect you. Then you just left. You left! I thought you were looking, trying to find an answer like I was. Is this why you ignored my prayers because you knew you were going to just give up your life? Why didn't you stay? We could have found a way to fix this together. Why's it always come to this, to your life?"
Castiel studied Dean's face for a moment. He said his words angrily and forcefully but Castiel didn't see the anger in Dean's expression. He saw concern, fear, hurt, and for the first time ever Castiel saw helplessness on Dean's face.
"You spoke of fighting off Archangels with no fear and while I admired your bravery, I knew if I stayed and we fought we would all end up dead. My decision, my way left you and Sam safe. My way was the only way to keep you safe. This is my fault there is no reason for you to die because of me."
"Your fault!? That's crap! This is his fault."
Dean pointed his finger at God.
"He connected our souls when he created you and I. You were protecting me that night. Your soul did only what it was supposed to do! Isn't that right Chuck?"
Dean gave a very sarcastic laugh and bowed his head a little.
"My apology your greatness."
Dean lifted his head back up and narrowed his vision. Looking at the man sitting in the middle of the table.
"Isn't that right, God?"
The Archangels turned their focus off Dean and Castiel and on to their father. Everyone was looking at God now, except Castiel.
Dean's eyes found Castiel again. Those blue eyes that hit Dean like a flood every time they connect. Dean could easily get lost and drowned in them. Dean started to examine the rest of his face. Dean's eyebrows found each other in the middle. He had never seen this look before.
"Dean, as soon as I saw your soul in Hell I knew we were connected. I took one look at your soul and knew I would die protecting you. I don't know why the other night happened but it was not God's fault. It's my fault."
"You knew we were connected this whole time? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Why didn't I tell you that your human soul was connected with an angel's soul and that it has never happened in the history of the universe and that I don't know what it means?"
Dean took a slight step forward towards Castiel.
"It'a not just an angel's soul, It's yours. You should have trusted me, trusted our bound. We could have figured it out together."

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