Chapter 11

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Sam's sight returned to him quickly after God had evacuated Dean from the library. He was unsure what the white and gold light was or what happened to his brother. He knew it was a long shot but he pulled out his phone and dialed Dean's number, straight to voicemail. He then went room to room searching the Bunker, panic running wild through his mind. What if Dean stumbled upon a spell and tried performing it without Sam knowing? What if it went wrong? What if he summoned a Demond and made a deal? That never worked out well for them. Was he alive? Was he hurt? Was he alone? Sam had made a full circle through the Bunker. He even checked outside and by Baby. Now he was back at the library door. He picked up his phone and dialed Dean's number again. Voicemail.
Unexpectedly, another blinding light appeared just as before. Sam did not shield his eyes this time and he tried his best to keep them open as much as humanly possible. The light started to dim and retreat from the room. Sam was now able to have his eyes wide open. Open enough to see Dean and Castiel tangled in a mess of togetherness. Sam's jaw dropped and he was speechless.
"About time isn't it Sam?"
Sam turned his head sharply to the right to see a small figure of a man standing next to him. Sam's eyes widened more than he thought they ever could.
He had no idea what to think or what to say.
"Chuck! God! What the hell is happening!?"

Dean and Castiel separate at the sound of Sam's voice. Dean takes a glance around as does Castiel. Noticing for the first time where they are now standing. Dean did not remove his hand from the angel's waist as the two of them turned to face Sam. Sam's face was full of many emotions. Confusion was the number one showing at the moment.
God put his hand on Sam's shoulder. Smiling ear to ear he said, "let's get a drink and I will tell you all about it Sam."
"Chuck, I think I should be the one to tell Sammy everything."
"Chuck?" God tilted his head to the side.
"I followed the rules while I was in your house but now we are in mine. So, sorry man, but it's Chuck again."
God rolled his eyes and his top lip curved to one side. Offering a simple grin.
"That is a good idea Dean. It's probably better to hear what is happening from your perspective."
Dean finally lets go of Castiel. Dragging his hand across his lower back slower than he needed to.
Castiel felt a chill go all the way through to his very core at the removal of Dean's hand. He had craved his touch for so long and now having felt it he wished Dean's hand never had to leave his body. Dean walked towards his brother, replacing God's hand on Sam's shoulder with his own he leads Sam down the hall to the kitchen. Explaining the very best he could as they start walking. Voices fading as they distanced themselves.
God was the first to break the silence between him and his son.
"Muriel's vote was innocent, punishment none. In case you were wondering."
"I must not have heard that part."
"The vote was in before his last question was asked. You would have known that had your angel radio been on."
"I am confused. Why ask Dean if he was in love with me if the vote was already in?"
"Dean was standing on a fence. On one side he had Friend-Cas and on the other side was Love-Cas. He had gotten comfortable in the middle. Muriel felt he needed to pick a side. I happened to agree."
Castiel nodded in understanding.
"Father, I'm sorry."
"For what Castiel?"
"Much was revealed tonight about myself and my choices. I never meant to disappoint you. I have been disobedient and I did put Dean and my own free will above everything. I don't regret my choice of Dean but I do regret hurting Heaven. Hurting you."
God took a moment before responding. Choosing his words carefully.
"When I created you I gave you free will for a purpose. I knew you would find Dean and be forever changed. My view of you contains no disappointment at all. You saved him when he was unsafe and you loved him when he was unlovable. You were his strength when he was weak and because of that, he has had the courage to become who I meant him to be. You Castiel saved the hero. Witch in every good story makes you a hero."
Castiel felt renewed at his Father's uplifting words. He stood a little straighter and his eyes became a little brighter.
"You did well."
"Dean did well."
"Yes. Dean did do well."
God walked over to him and placed one of his hands on his elbow and his other hand in Castiel 's hand. Castiel had seen this form of a handshake before in the many movies Dean had made him sit through but he did not expect it from God.
"I knew you would be found innocent or I would not have agreed to take the case in front of The Council. I knew your love for him was the foundation of your innocence. Then when you made me realize I had connected your souls I knew for sure that Dean's love for you would seal your fate."
God lifted his hand off of Castiel's elbow and placed it on top of their two hands that were already together. Suddenly something was placed in Castiel's hand. God curled Castiel's fingers around the object. He took two steps back as his brilliant shimmer of light filled the room and he returned to Heaven.
Castiel was alone.
He lowered his gaze and opened his hand to see two matching silver rings. He knew that indestructible metal. The same material used to forge angel blades. He could feel something strange as he held them. He could feel his very own grace surging through the metal.
He suddenly felt a sting in his head and then heard static for a moment. When the static cleared he heard a familiar voice speak to him.
"A little gift for you and Dean. If you choose."
Castiel was still alone yet God's voice filled his head.
"It's not nice to turn on my angel radio without telling me, Father."
"Won't happen again."
"Thank you for the gift."
"The rings are a small token of my approval and appreciation."
"Approval of what?"
"Dean. Your love for each other. It's a beautiful thing."
"And the appreciation?"
"You are the only angel in all my creation that obeyed my command. Love humanity more than you love yourself. Thank you, Castiel. Thank you."
Static once more poured into his head and God was gone again. Angel radio back off.
Castiel was alone once more.
He examined the rings for a while longer, marveling at there construction. They were beautifully crafted.
Castiel wondered if Dean would like them. He wondered if Dean would even accept the gift if it was offered.

"I do love him, man."
"I knew it! I just knew it!"
Castiel could hear Sam and Dean coming back towards him. He placed the rings in the pocket of his trench coat just as they appeared in the door frame.

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