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Tour life for other bands seemed so organized. Every rest stop was planned out. The fridge was stocked with actually fresh foods and health seemed to matter for them. Of course, with my band, we didn't abide by those rules. Nobody cared about what they ate on tour. They consumed whatever they wanted to whenever they wanted to, except me of course. My father had me on a diet plan, which I absolutely hated. Every meal was exactly the same, and I found myself drained of energy quite often. It was hard to have fun when all you could eat were probiotic smoothies and vitamin supplements.

The bus was loaded, and I was almost dreading the twenty hour drive to Dallas, Texas. I stood in the front lawn, the sun barely starting to creep up over the rooftops. I had a soft white throw blanket wrapped around my shoulder, and my bare feet curled into the grass. I watched Spencer and Eric load the equipment into the tow-along trailer. Our bus driver Paul was smoking a cigarette outside of his vehicle. He had driven us on last years Warped Tour, and I felt bad for him. Warped was every drivers worst nightmare. Paul was a very nice man, but he was quiet. He kept to himself. When he wasn't driving, he was alone in his bunk which was like an impenetrable fortress. He was an older man, and he had kids of his own. I couldn't imagine the disappointment of babysitting us all summer.

"You ready to go?"

Noah had walked up behind me, his hand resting on my shoulder. Noah had taken up a parental role for me, as my father had abandoned that role a while ago. He cares about my well-being more than any one else in the band, and I appreciate him gratefully for that. I sighed, giving him a light shrug.

"I mean, last year was alright I guess, let's hope this time is the same."

I never had real friends. I only ever had the band. Finding a friend in my world was rare, and I hung onto every one I could. So far the closest I had to a real proper friend who wasn't in the band was Kelvin from Alternative Press, and even then, we've only spoken about four times. Maybe Paul was my friend? Warped Tour was the only time I really talked to people. I connected with other bands as we were all on the same level. People who I wold have never usually spoke to were suddenly my family, but only for the summer. The late nights drinking energy drinks in festival parking lots were forgotten when the tour was over. I craved that kind of interaction though. I wanted that joy back in my life.

The interior of the black bus seemed so clean, I felt a bit guilty. With in a week, it would be a complete mess. The kitchen was the first thing you walked into. White marble counters accentuated the stainless steel fridge. The bus had a color scheme of black, white and silver, and it appeared very high-end. Perks of having a lot of money. Eric came onto the bus next, letting out a loud yawn.

"Same bunks as last year?" He asked, shuffling towards the row of beds.

"Hell no," I hurried in front of him. "I'm not taking the bottom bunk this time."

I hauled myself onto the stripped-down top bunk, two bunks above the black carpet. The bunk was empty except for a tidy white sheet, but I knew that I was going to make it all my own. I heard the other boys come onto the bus, hauling their suitcases. Noah was holding his phone in his hand, scrolling through the plans of the day. He was always in charge of making lists for things we needed before kicking off tour. Fortunately for us, Warped Tour provided us with a crew we didn't need to travel with. All we needed was our tour manager, Brandon.

"After we pick up Brandon, are we getting the photographer?" I asked, my head rolling off the bunk. Noah shook his head as he slid his phone into his pocket.

"No, we're sharing with another band this time. It's cheaper that way. His name is Jawn."

"Would it kill you to hire female crew members at least once in your life?" I groaned. I was so sick and tired of all of these men. Noah raised his hands defensively.

Eyes on You // Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now