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"Happy birthday, babydoll."

My eyes fluttered open, facing the white wall of the interior of my bunk. The bus had drove through the night, and we were in Houston, Texas within a few hours.  I pushed my body around, turning to see Spencer standing below my bunk, a small box resting neatly in his hands. I was cautious before I spoke, memories of the night before flooding into my head. There was no physical damage showing on my wrists, but I felt it. That feeling wasn't going to go away.

But in that moment. Spencer felt genuine. He had a bright, sleepy smile on his face as he handed me my gift. I smiled back at him, holding the box in my hands. He reminded me of a child, eager to show me a craft that he had glued together.

"Babe, you didn't need get me anything." I giggled while I tore at the deep purple gift wrap. Spencer shook his head, his hand rubbing my thigh.

"Of course I did! You only deserve the best."

It was clear that he wasn't ever going to talk about what he had done. Maybe he was ashamed? Maybe he was drunk and he just didn't remember? Regardless, he seemed excited for me to discover my present.

It was a necklace, a thin silver choker that branched out into shimmering strands laced with specs of diamond. My jaw dropped, staring down at the necklace as I slid out of my bunk.

"Spencer, this is beautiful..." I gasped, the choker dangling in my fingers. This was too expensive for me, and way too expensive for him. I almost felt guilty holding it. Spencer took it from me, putting it around my neck for me.

"Like I said, you only deserve the best." He purred, his hands slowly pressing into the side of my neck. Immediately, I let out a shuttering breath as his lips pressed into my collarbone, which had made a surprise appearance as my extra-extra large t-shirt hung off my shoulder. His other hand traveled to the crook of my back, pulling it closer to his waist. My hands clung onto the edge of the middle bunk, my head falling behind me as his lips travelled up and down my neck. I noticed that nobody else was in the bus, and we were both completely and utterly alone.

I wonder if Spencer planned that. I wonder if he woke up a few hours before and made everyone go off on their own to give him his time with me. Having sex in a bus was never really glamorous, but I supposed it was one of those scenarios that you just had to deal with. He had lifted me into the vacant middle bunk, his knee resting in between my legs. I was looking up at him, my eyes wide with anticipation.

"You'll look so good with nothing but that necklace on." He growled, tugging at the rim of my shirt.

The bus door swung open, and Spencer jumped back in fear.

"Where's the birthday girl!"

It was Noah and Eric, accompanied by Brandon and a birthday cake. The three men piled into the bus, but immediately froze when they caught sight of me lying in the bunk with a shirtless Spencer standing over me.

"Oh..." Brandon shuffled his eyes uncomfortably, the blue birthday cake still safe in his arms. Spencer clenched his fists, taking a few deep breaths.

"Were you guys not supposed to be at the meet and greet tent?" He hiss, failing to keep his cool.

"Wait, you guys did the meet and greet already?" I interjected. How long was I asleep? Did I sleep through the meet and greet time? I immediately felt a wave of guilt pass through my body. Spencer turned back to me, a massive smile plastered onto his face.

"I wanted to give you the morning, darling! I'm sure you'll get to meet everyone later."

I ignored him, climbing out of the bed.

Eyes on You // Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now