1 The beginning

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(Just the outfit and glasses- season 2 episode 4)
My name is Gabriella Johnson, and I am blind. Your probably wondering why or how I got blind I'll tell you.

My mom picked me up from college since it was spring break. It's been awhile since I've seen my mom so I was happy.
"How is school going Gabriella?" My mom asked me.

"It's good I guess. I've got good grades, but nothing extraordinary happens." I tell her.

" Well honey not every day will be extraordinary. " She says while bringing out extraordinary. Then all of a sudden a truck is going straight for us. The windshield crashes and the tiny pieces of glass go into my eyes. I was lucky to get out blind my mom not so much she died on impacted. When the ambulance showed up they told me I was crying blood. So when I went to the hospital I got a white cane and a guide dog. He is a Golden retriever. His name is Jack from the movie The nightmare before Christmas. I love that movie.

Flashback overJack and I were at the cemetery with a bouquet of sunflowers

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Flashback over
Jack and I were at the cemetery with a bouquet of sunflowers.

Flashback overJack and I were at the cemetery with a bouquet of sunflowers

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I do this has much as I can. I put a flower on as many graves as I can. As I'm walking I hear two people come in but I ignore it and keep putting sun flowers by graves. As I am going to put one down one of the people are coming over here. Jack barks but I told him to stop has I put one down. A touch the head stone and trace the name. Mary. I get up and walk away after praying that the Lord helped Mary get to him. I get up and I have one sunflower left so I walk away.

Sam's P.o.v.
Dean and I walk into the cemetery we go our different ways. As I am going to mom's headstone I see a girl with her dog putting a sunflower by mom's headstone. After she puts the flower down she traced the name and did a prayer. She go up and walked away. I can tell that she is blind because the dog and her cane. I wonder what she was doing.

Gabriella's P.o.v.
I was walking to one of the newest graves. It's sad that it happened. When I got near it I feel darkness and sadness. When I was there someone else was there to.

"Do you feel it?" I asked.

"Feel what?" A male said. So now I know that the person is a he.

"The darkness." I tell him. As I go crouch down and put the flower down, wanting to cry because I was scared.

Dean's P.o.v.
As Sammy went to mom's headstone I just looked around until I saw a dying tree and wilting flowers. As I stand there a girl comes up and stops.

"Do you feel it?" She asked me.

" Feel what? " I asked her.

"The darkness." She says to me. I looked at her has she put the sunflower down and it doesn't wilt and she looks like she is going to cry. I felt bad for her.

Gabriella's P.o.v.
I can feel him looking at me.

"Did you know her?"  He asks me. I wanted to laugh because 1 - I can't see and 2- after the accident I couldn't go back to college because they didn't have the material for blind people. I may have laughed a little.

"What's so funny?" He asked me.

"Nothing's funny. Just ironic." I tell him.

" For one I can't see. " I tell him. I think he realized this because he apologized.

"It's ok. I just do this because it's the right thing to do." I explain to him.

"Her name is Angela." He says.

" No I don't know her but I have heard of her when I was in college. " I tell him.

"Alright thanks. My name is Dean." He says to me.

" My name is Gabriella. It's nice to meet you. " I tell him.

"Well it was nice to meet you Gabriella. I hope I see you soon." He says to me. I still stand at the grave and then Jack barked so Jack and I walked home to the apartment I would only have for a few more days, because I can't pay for it and my mom's money that she has been giving for the rent is running out. I don't know what I'm going to do.

750 words

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