Next day Gabriella's P.o.v. Well today I have to move out and I have no idea what I'm going to do. My mom said if something were to happen to her then I should go to my uncle Bobby Singer. That's not going to work because 1 I don't know where or who the heck he is and 2 I can't see to look around the house to find it so yeah. So I packed my clothes and stuff I really need in a suitcase, backpack, and a bag.
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When I am done with that I go to the flower shop. I thought I might get unique flowers so I got blue roses.
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Jack and I walked to the cemetery with me rolling my luggage around. When I entered the cemetery I heard Dean and Sam digging? Hmm I wonder. So I go were they are at.
"Hey guys." I say. I don't feel any darkness I wonder what happened.
"Hi, hey." They respond at the same time.
"Is this the one?" I asked Dean .
"Yeah. Do you feel/sense anything?" He asked me.
" No I don't feel anything. " I say as I crouch down and placed a blue rose down. I stand up and hold out two roses for Dean and Sam. I feel they are nervous but they each take one.
"Hey why are you dragging around that stuff." Sam asked me.
" Well when I was going to college my mom would pay my rent she had it up a few week ahead. Well she died and the money stopped coming so I had to get out. Amazing right. " I tell him.
"Well do you have somewhere or someone to go to?" Dean asked.
" Actually I have a uncle that I've never met. I don't know where he leaves and I can't go through papers cause I can't see,but my mom said it anything happens to go to my uncle Bobby Singer. " I explain. It was silent for awhile then Dean spoke up.
"We know Bobby we will take you there when we visit him, but we got a jobs and I think that you can help us." Dean explains .
"How can I help you. Have you forgot I'm blind and I have a huge golden retriever." I say to him like he is crazy.
"Well we don't have normal jobs. " Sam says.
"You guys are lucky I trust you I will come but first can someone take me to Mary so I can put one or all of these flowers there." I asked. It was silent so I wonder if I said something wrong.
"Are you guys alright? Did I say something wrong?" I ask.
"No, Mary was our mom." Sam says. I gasped because I didn't mean to hurt them.
" I am so sorry.I I I just I don't know. " I say.
"Hey it's okay I'll take them and Dean will take you to the car." Sam gently says.
" Hey do you want me to take one of those. " Dean asked.
"Dean honey I'm blind not disabled. I can do it. I'm a big girl." I tell him and smile.
"Sorry I didn't mean to offen..." Dean starts to say before I start to laugh.
"Ha ha ha. Dean I was just kidding. If you could, could you take this bag?" I ask handing him the one that was on my arm. He took it no questions asked. Sam came over and opens the door and takes my hand and help me in. When he took my hand I felt sparks go up my arm. After I slid in, Jack jumped in. After everyone was in it was too quiet.
"Hey Dean?" I asked
" Yeah. " He says.
"I know your the driver and you pick music or no music and everyone shuts there cakehole, but do you have some Ac/Dc or something because it's really quiet." I ask.
" Sam get the Ac/Dc tape recorder and put it in. " He tells Sam.
"Thank you dean!!" I yelled because hey a girl loves her rock and roll.
Time skip (Because food is amazing.) Dean's P.o.v. As we are driving Gabriella falls asleep. So I pull over and talked to Sam about how dads death was my fault and I'm sorry.