Season 2 episode 8 Dean Sam and I were in this little diner. Sam was looking up Dean's record. Yeah not so good. Then Sam fines an article about someone jumping off there building and seeing a big black dog. Dean was looking through the papers.
"Man I bet that thing can hump the crap out of your leg ." Dean says as I had juice in my mouth. Yeah I spit it out.
"See Sammy she thinks it's funny." Dean says . I pulled down my glasses just a little to freak him out, because my eyes.
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"Damn it! Stop looking at me." Dean yells.
" Don't bring me into your problem. " I tell him. After that we left to go see Shawn's co worker. Well Dean and Sam were digging for information.
"Crazy how genius for so young I wonder why?" He asked. After he said that I turned to him.
"Well there can be a few reasons for that. 1 they get to much hate. 2 they were threaten, and 3 they were killed out of spite and made it look like they did it." I replied .
"Yeah I guess that can be it. I didn't think of it like that." He says . Then we go to the animal protection center. Dean went in and got the paper of the reports of people seeing the dog. I sat in the car and listen to " This is the Gospel" by Panic at the Disco. Then Dean came in the car and we drove away to another house. I decided to stay in the car. When they came out they say that we are going to a bar. As we were driving to the bar I moved behind Sam.
"Hey Sam." I whispered .
"Yeah." He whispered back.
" Can I braid your hair? " I asked him. I heard Dean snort, so I move a little and smack the back of his head.
"Hey I'm driving women!" He yelled at me.
" Well stop being a stupid jerk face. Your just jealous because you don't have hair like Sammy here that girls can braid. " I tell him.
"So can I braid your hair Sam?" I asked.
" Sure. " he asked so I got behind him and start to braid his hair.
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