2 suspicious

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Dean's P.o.v.
Sammy and I went to Angela's grave to dig up her body. When we got there the sunflower was still good and not wilted.

"Sam look at that flower." I tell Sam .

"It's not wilted." He says.

" That one blind chick that was here she put that flower there and then asked me if I felt darkness. " I explain to Sam.

" Yeah, she left a flower on mom's headstone. " Sam says. I wonder what is up with her. I hope she is not like that one blind dude that was a clown.

Next day.
Gabriella's P.o.v.
I was taking a walk with Jack when I heard to people arguing and one I recognized as Dean.

"Sam if you bring dads death one more time I swear!" I hear Dean say.

"Stop, Dean please it's killing you." I hear I guess Sam tell dean.

"We lost dad,mom, I lost Jessica and now I'm going to lose you." Sam explains to Dean. I wanted to make myself known, but before I could I tripped over something. I hear two people running over too me.

"Hey are you ok?" Sam asks me.

"Yeah I'm fine I just tripped." I tell him.

"Lucky you didn't hurt that beautiful face." Dean says. I feel my face heat up.

" Yeah....um........lucky.......sure. " I say.

"While I think you know my brother Dean, I'm Sam." Sam tells me.

" My name is Gabriella Johnson. It's nice to meet you Sam,and I'm sorry for your guys lost. I know what it's like to lose someone. " I tell them and I can feel the tears coming down so I wiped them quick.

"Thank you and sorry for you lost." Sam says.

"Your welcome. It was a month ago?" I say. It's hard to tell when things are or where.

" Dean? " I asked for him.

"Yeah?" He asked .

"It's ok to hold it in, but the best thing to do is to talk about how you feel. I know that I am in no place to tell you anything. I know how you feel,but you are lucky to have someone who cares. Well I have to go. Bye guys hope to see you again." I tell them.

Sam's P.o.v.
Well Dean and I were arguing I heard someone trip. I turned around and saw that girl that I saw at the cemetery. Dean and I ran over to her. I helped her up.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask her. She looks up she is really beautiful .

"Yeah I just tripped." She says.

"Lucky you didn't hurt that beautiful face. " Dean complements. I looked at him like he was crazy. Then I saw her start to blush.

"Yeah.....um.......lucky........sure." She says.

" Well you know my brother Dean,I'm Sam. " I introduced myself.

"My name is Gabriella Johnson. It's nice to meet you Sam,and I'm sorry for your guys lost. I know what it's like to lose someone." She says. Then she starts to cry but wipes it quick.

" Thank you and sorry for your loss. " I tell her.

"Your welcome. It was a month ago?" She questioned .

"Dean?" She asked. Dean looked at me then her.

" Yeah? " He says.

"It's ok to hold it in,but the best thing to do is to talk about how you feel. I know that I am in no place to tell you anything. I know how you feel,but you are lucky to have someone who cares. Well I have to go. Bye guys hope to see you again soon." She says. Wow that girl is something else.

Dean's P.o.v.
"Dean?" She asked. I looked at Sammy then her.

"Yeah." I ask her.

" It's ok to hold it in,but the best thing to do is to talk about how you feel. I know that I am in no place to tell you anything. I know how you feel,but you are lucky to have someone who cares. Well I have to go. Bye guys hope to see you again soon. She says. I stayed there for a few seconds thinking about what she said. Man I hope I see that girl again sooner rather than later.

702 words

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