8 The Police?

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Season 2 episode 7
Sam and I were in a motel in Baltimore. He was trying to figure out what was happening. Then the door came crashing down.

"Going somewhere Sam?" A female asked, and that is how we ended up at the police station. Just great. They didn't need me because 1 I'm blind and 2 I was asleep and didn't go with them to check the office. I just really want to go back to the motel all ready.

"Hey you Gabriella?" Someone asked.

"Yes that's me." I replied .

"Dean Winchester wants to see you." The person tells me. So the person takes my elbow and walks me to Dean. Well apparently we walked in on his confession.

I wanted to laugh but I held it in. Then the officer pushes Dean into the wall.

"Lock him up!" He yelled at people.

" Wait wait. My name is Gabriella can I speak to him before you do that? " I asked.

"Fine 5 minutes." I was told. When everyone left and there was so cameras I busted out laughing.

"Is it true Dean?" I asked.

" What? " he asked.

"That you like sunsets and walks on the beach?" I asked him .

"Oh yeah 100% true." He says.

" So what am I supposed to do well you are in here? " I asked Dean.

"I want you to go to Sam and see what he has plan. I have a feeling I know were the spirit is." Dean tells me.

" But Dean what about you, are you going to be alright? " I asked him.

"Hey I'll be fine now go ok." He says. So I got up and started to walk outside but I ran into someone.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Its ok." Sam says .

"Sam how did you get out are you ok?" I asked him.

" Yeah yeah I'm fine are you ok? " He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine, so is Dean he was telling them the truth but in a smartass way." I explain to Sam .

"Of course that's Dean." Sam says.

" So were we going? " I asked Sam.

"I'm going to drop you of at a motel, get Jack and then go do some research." Sam says. I didn't argue with him.

Time skip because kool aid
Sam was doing his research and Jack and I say on the bed when there was a knock on the door. I got up to get it. Sam came up behind me to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked I just walk back to the bed and listen to music. Then Sam tapped me saying that we are going to Ash land. So we got baby (the car) and we got there. When we got there i didn't feel the bad darkness not darkness at all. I I I felt like... I don't even know.

"Hey Sam you know that darkness I usually fell?" I ask Sam .

"Yeah do you feel it?" He asked me.

" No. It's not darkness it's a feeling I can't explain. " I told him. He was looking around and went up the stairs I went with Dianna and I herd this type of gurgling. Dianna was afraid because she yelled for Sam, but I followed the noise and I felt a dress and blood. Then when Sam's comes in it gone. I get to my knees and I pray for the Lord for help.

"Dear Lord please help us help this girl so she may find peace in you lord. I ask this in your name. Amen." I whisper to myself . I get up because I feel this energy in me. I walk to a wall and I stepped on a crowbar so I picked it up and I start to bash the wall.

"Hey Gabriella what are you....." Sam starts to say but then stop. I think he saw what was in there.

" hey help me get this out. "Sam asked Dianna as I stepped back. So it turns out that Dianna police friend killed her because they but have the same necklace. So we get back the car. When we get in I put my ear buds in. After a while we get out . I feel the girls present here. It turns out officer wack job was going to kill Dean.

"Dean are you ok?" I asked.

" Yep I'm good. " Dean repiled. Pete gave Dianna this sob story and they she shots him. He tackles her to the ground then the girl shows up, Dianna shoots him. He is dead. We got Dean uncuffed and they were talking to Dianna and she tells us to go so we start to walk.

"Pretty nice lady." Sam says .

"Yeah for a cop." Dean replies.

"Hey you guys hungry?" I asked.

" No not really. "Sam says.

" Yes I'm starving. I'm craving for a "pizza". Dean says as we say pizza together. Were are we going. Who in the world knows.

838 words

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