11 Going to find answers

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Season 2 episode 10
"Hey wake up we're here." I hear someone say. I move my hand around.

"Leave me alone butthole." I say.

"You can go to slerp when we're inside." That got my attention,so I got out of the car.

"Lead the way moose and squirrel." I yawned. They started to walk and I listen for their steps and me begin me forgot my cane and ran into a pole.

"Ow." I say as I heard feet coming toward me.

" Hey Gabriella are you ok? " Sam asked as he picked me up.

"Yeah yeah I'm ok." I exclaimed . We got to the room and I went to the bathroom to take a shower and then go back to sleep. When I got out I thought why not get in comfortable clothes not like we're going anywhere. I walked over feeling around me and fell in the bed.

Time skip (because bacon)

"Psst. Psst. Gabriella wake up." I hear Sam say.

" five more minutes. " I mumble.

"No come on we have to go before Dean wakes up." Sam whisper yells. That got me up.

" Why? " I asked.

"Dean wants to take a break from hunting but I need to find out more about me. I thought since we have the same kind of thing you want to come." Sam explains .

"So what we just going to up and out of here?" I asked.

" Yeah that sums it up. " Sam said.

"Fine but if Dean calls me I'm answering, and it's not like I can see were we are so." I said.

" Fine Fine that's ok let's just go now. " he said. So we got a small travel bag and packed my stuff. When we were done we high jacked a car. This is just great.

"We're we going?" I asked him as we started to drive.

" Well I can't tell you or you'll tell Dean. " he said. I let out a huge sigh and say there. I put in my ear buds cause it was quiet.

I started to hum along because it's a good song. After a while we got to the place. It was the bar with the other hunters. Sam went to go talk about his situation so I went to a table and sat down. All of a sudden I heard my phone ring so I go my guide stick and walked out.

"Hello?" I asked.

" Gabriella were are you and are you with Sam? " Dean says all at once.

"Dean calm down and take a deep breath." I tell him. After he took a breath I started to answer his questions.

"I don't know were we are and yes I am with Sam." I tell him.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked. I had to think should I tell him the truth. Yeah I should do that.

"Well from what I know is that you want to take a break from hunting and Sam wants to find out what is wrong with us." I tell him.

"Alright I got to go bye." Dean say.

" bye Dean and don't worry we're ok. " I say as I hung up.

"Who was that." I jumped because Sam scared the heck out of me.

"Jees Sam you don't have to scare me like that!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry. who was on the phone." He asked again.

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