Season 2 episode 6 Dean,Sam,and I stayed at the Roadhouse. I was getting ready. I decided I wanted to wear a dress with a leather jacket and my black converse.
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When I was done getting ready I heard Ellen and her daughter yelling yes and no at the same time.
"We'll just go to the Arby's down a block." I hear people say. I guess Jo wanted to go on a hunt and her mom wouldn't let her. I don't think they know I'm here.
"Hey is everything alright?" I ask.
" Yeah everything's alright sweetheart. You look good. " Ellen says.
"Thanks." I replied.
"So are we ready to go?" I asked Sam and Dean .
"Yep we are going on a hunt that Jo found." Dean says. So we walk out and I put my ear buds in and listen to music. We got to an apartment complex and went to the room that girls have been dying in. I know I know fun right. I was walking around touching everything and suddenly I felt slime.
"Uh Dean, Sam? I think I found something." I say as they come over. Sam gives me a napkin to white my hand. As Dean and Sam talked about what it was I sat down on the floor. Then we left I heard a person come up so I stopped Sam and Dean from moving. Then I hear Jo's voice.
"The hell you doing here?" Dean asked.
"Oh there you are honey. This is my boyfriend Dean and his buddy Sam and his girlfriend Gabriella." Jo says. I feel my face heating up. I think Sam saw this but he still put his arm around me .
"Good to meet you. You have quite a gal here." I going to say the landlord says.
"Yeah she's a pistol." Dean says.
"So did you look at the apartment?" It was quiet for a minute and she continues.
"The one for rent?" She asked. I kind of just stopped listen because no one was talking to me. Jo said she was going to buy it, so well Jo and Sam sat at the table, Dean paces and I'm sitting on the floor doing the cup song, but not singing just humming it.
Then I feel the darkness.
"Hey guys sorry to interrupt but I feel it." I tell them.
"What's she talking about?" Jo asked. I get up and start to walk around I go out the door and everyone is following me. We have to go up to one of the two floors. When we got they I had my cane. And I stopped and got on my hands and knees. I touch the vent there and I can feel the darkness rolling in waves.
"There." I say as I take my cane and tap the vent. Jo takes out her device and it starts going off.
"Well look who found the demon." Dean says. He gets down to the vent and looks he says there is something in there. I walk up next to Sam.
"What's the matter with me? I never had this until my mom died. Am I going crazy?" I ask.
" No your not going crazy,but we will find out why you have this abilities. " Sam comforts me.
"Looks like someone like to keep souvenirs." Dean says. Time skip because siblings are a pain. We got back into the apartment after the vent. Dean,Sam,and Jo were deciding were everyone will sleep well they were talking I layed down on the floor with Jack and held on to him for and fell asleep.
Sam's P.o.v. Dean,Jo,and I were talking about sleeping arrangement. I realized it was us just talking and Gabriella wasn't doing a anything so I looked around for her and found her cuddled up to Jack with a smile on her face.
"Guys shut up." I tell them they look at me like I'm crazy. I then point to Gabriella. That shut them up. I looked at Gabriella and smiled why is she so adorable.
Dean's P.o.v. Sam,Jo, and I were talking about were everyone is going to sleep. Sam stop talking and was looking around, but Jo and I were arguing about were we're going to sleep.
"Guys shut up." Sammy says . I have him a look that said your crazy, but then he pointed to Gabriella on the floor cuddled up with Jack, I smiled. She is so beautiful.
Gabriella's P.o.v. I woke up and it was still nighttime. I felt sick the darkness was overwhelming. It must be doing something terrible. So I walk around and feel for anyone. I came up to a chair and I felt a foot, so I stood up and shook the person awake.
"Hmm what?" I hear Dean say in a sleepy voice.
"Dean I don't feel good. The The darkness is overwhelming. I think it's doing something terrible." I explain to him.
"Hey hey it's ok come here." He says so I climb on the chair and got cuddled into his side. I felt safe.
" We will look for stuff it the morning ok. " He tells me.