4 Finding out

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video because I thought it was FUNNY
Season 2 episode 5
Gabriella's P.o.v.
It's night time and Dean stop so we can all stretch. Sam was taking forever so Dean and I walk over to the bathroom. When we got near the bathroom I started to see a black man shoot a white man with a gun. It was hurting my head. So I fell to the ground holding my head.

"Dean make it stop it hurts Dean make it stop!" I cry to him. He goes and opens the door to the bathroom.

"Sam come on hurry..."  Dean says and stops.

"Dean, Sam make it stop it hurts. No No don't do it. Ahhh. MAKE IT STOP, MAKE IT STOP.MAKE IT STOP. Please,please,please. Dean, Sam it hurts." I yell. I curl up into a ball to try and stop the pain, and the visions? I hear Dean and Sam run over to me.

"Hey hey what the matter what hurts?" Sam asks me.

" My, my,my head and ,and,and he shoot him he shoot him oh my God he killed him and himself. "I say hysterically. Sam and Dean are quite. Like they know what it is Dean picks me up and carries me into the car. Jack is there waiting for us. I am set into the car and I cuddle up to Jack and I hold him.

Dean's P.o.v.
Gabriella and I are walking to the bathroom to see what is taking Sam so long as we walk there and she falls to the ground she is asking for my help because she is hurting so I hurry up and get to Sam. As I open the door Sam is having a vision. Gabriella is screaming for our help when we get there. She stops yelling and is still curled into a ball. Sam crouchs down and asked her whats wrong.

" My,my, my head and,and, and he shoot him he shoot him oh my God he killed him and himself. " She says hysterically. I looked at Sam there is something up with this chick.

Gabriella's P.o.v.
I was sitting trying to get my breathing normal.

"I don't know man why don't we just chill and think about it." Dean asked Sam.

" What's there to think about? " Sam asked Dean as he turned off the radio. I go into my bag to grab my mp3 player. I put my ear buds in as I'm listening I fall asleep.

Time skip (Because coffee)
I woke up and I took out my ear buds to Sam telling Dean let's start there.

"Gooooooddddmorning sleeping beauty." Dean says.

" Yeah yeah morning night it don't matter. Im blind I got hit by a major headache and visions of people I don't know. " I snapped.

"Yeah ok I think you should go back to sleep." Dean says.

" Haha your hilarious. " I tell him sarcastically.

"I know I know I bring the house down." He says.

" Sam were are we going? " I ask.

"We are going to get coffee and act as debt collectors." Sam explains .

"Alright! Dean step on it." I yell at him.

next day
We were at a cáfe Jack was sitting next to me. When a waitress came over,and asked if we were ready.

"Well I'm ready are you guys ready?" I asked them

" Yeah, yep. I think we are. " They say at the same time.

"We'll take coffee." Dean says.

" And for you? " She asked me.

"I'll take a cup of milk, bacon, scrambled eggs, and can I get another small plate of bacon for my Guide dog? " I asked. Because I know that she would try to get out of it.

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