7 I knew it

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I woke up to hear shuffling. So I carefully got off the chair and got dressed. I heard Sam say he was going out to get coffee.

"Hey can Jack and I come with you?" I ask like a child.

" Sure. " Sam says. We walk down. Well we are walking I tell Sam about what I felt last night. We got to the shop and Sam ordered 3 coffees and I ordered a chocolate milk and a warmed up cheese danish. We walk back to the apartment complex and I heard police sirens, and I automatically knew I was right. The spirit was doing something terrible. Sam,Jack and I walked as fast as we could back to the apartment. Sam opens the door.

"Hey where's the coffee?" Dean asked.

"Threw the cups outside. Another girl disappeared." Sam explained . I threw my chocolate milk at Dean.

"There chocolate milk,and Jo I saved you half my cheese danish." I say as I handed it to her. Well Jo called Ash? To get the names of the people that were hung were this place was built. Great right. So ash sent the names and Sam was looking through them. When he got one of a murder who killed over a 100 of women. Sam says that there is something worse. Can you guess what. The girls that were taken may be alive. Yep guess you couldn't guess that. So Dean and Jo checked on the floor and Sam and I checked on the first floor. Sam and I checked it all out, so we went to find Dean. When we were walking we ran I to Dean who was yelling and cussing.

"Dean what happened?" Sam asked.

" the spirit took her dammit. " Dean says.

"How?" I ask.

" I didn't go with her. " Dean yelled. We went back to the apartment when I felt the darkness away from the apartment. Sam was laying all these maps down and I think I know how to help them.

"So there are swears underneath..." Sam was saying and Dean interrupted him.

"Ok let's go." Dean says ,but then his phone started to ring. I guess ash told Ellen. So now we're outside  but I let Jack stay at the apartment. Sam had a metal detector.

"Sam we don't need that." I told him.

"Yes we do if we want to find her." Dean and Sam say.

" Guys I feel were they are at ok. Just trust me. " I tell them. We walk a little bit and we were in a field I stopped. They stopped and Sam took out the metal detector and it went off. So Dean started to dig he hit a piece of metal. Dean a d Sam lift it up.

"I'm coming with you guys." I tell them.

" no your not. " Dean and Sam say.

"I'm going to go. So Dean go down I'll go next and you make sure I don't fall. Got it." I demanded.

" Your not going. " Dean says.

"Fine if I'm not going to go after you Dean I'll go first." I say with determination .

"Ok,ok fine but I go first ok?" Dean asked.

" Perfect idea. " I say as I kissed his hand then go over to Sam and do the same thing. We start to climb down and I was doing good. I left my glasses so they didn't break. Guess what you won't believe it my eyes glow really bright. I can not believe it. When we were done climbing we had to crawl in the swear water I'm glad I wore leggings instead of shorts.

"Dean your really slow." I tell him.

" Sorry princess that I'm not small and can go fast. " He snapped.

"Its ok hon I forgive you. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it." I tell him. We still were crawling and Dean finally stop. He stood up and help me up.

"Stay behind us ok?" Sam says.

" Yes dad. " I said. I followed Sam and Dean and I felt the darkness get stronger. Then I heard talking and someone shot there gun. Dean got Jo and Sam got the other girl. I moved back to were we came out from and three up. This darkness was overwhelming and I threw up.s

"Hey are you ok?" Sam asked as he held my hair back.

" Yep I'm fine just this darkness. " I tell him. Jo runs up to me a d hugs me.

"Hey you know that stupid plan of your to be bait well that's the only thing we have." Dean says . So Dean and Sam get salt and put it in the chamber. Jo sat in the middle and we waited. The spirit walked up to Jo and Dean yells now. So now the spirit is trapped down there. Dean and I go to "barrow" a cement truck so the salt doesn't wash away or something. When we were down we packed up and Ellen was there. We got in the impala and it was awkward so I put my ear buds in and listen to music. I must have fell asleep because next thing I know is Jack is getting on the seat and whining to get out. So I got out of the car while Sam and Dean came out of the bar. Jo came out and Dean goes to talk to her and she yells at him and he goes.

"Hey Dean it's ok." I tell him. Now what is our next adventure?

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