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jeongyeon Happy evening with this girl #happy&perfectminari #happyevening #happyme

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jeongyeon Happy evening with this girl #happy&perfectminari #happyevening #happyme

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dancemochiene Oh, my gosh, I'm dazzled! #happy&perfectminari

Sisteryeon Ehm, I'm jealous...#JELLYJELLY

jeongyeon You sit next to me

Sisteryeon You don't pay attention to me #TT

jeongyeon Don't be so selfish!

Sisteryeon You don't love me #TT

jeongyeon Oh, my gosh... I love you!

Sisteryeon No, you don't

jeongyeon Yes, I do! If I didn't, I wouldn't live with you

Sisteryeon .... sleep on the couch

jeongyeon WHAT???

Hyolead @jeongyeon, @Sisteryeon Can you, guys, put your phones away, please? If you haven't noticed, we're gonna congratulate Mina on return home!

jeongyeon @Hyolead Sorry, ma'am

Sisteryeon @Hyolead Sorry, ma'am

jeongyeon @Sisteryeon #iloveyouthemost

Sisteryeon ...

Sisteryeon @jeongyeon #iloveyouthemosttoo, but it doesn't mean that you're forgiven

jeongyeon Sometimes I hate to love you

Sisteryeon This is mutual, babe

Hyolead PUT YOUR PHONES AWAY!! @jeongyeon @Sisteryeon


Oh, jelly-jelly~, oh, jelly-jelly~....

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