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dubuhyun Had fun! Thank you, unnie! #loveya

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dubuhyun Had fun! Thank you, unnie! #loveya

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dancemochiene #prettyladies but I wonder where was sana?

Sisteryeon After we persuaded her to let Dahyun to go with me? Stalked us

shyshysana It's not true! I went to meet with Eunha! 

Sisteryeon Poor Eunha - you made her to hide in the bushes!

shyshysana NO! We walked around the city and absolutely didn't stalk you!

eunha.jung Sana-unnie is right! But after all sometimes i thought it's strange how often I saw Dahyun and Nayeon-unnie. I said it to Sana-unnie and proposed to approach them but she said "no"

Sisteryeon GOTCHA, @shyshysana! You stalked us! 

shyshysana it's just a coincidence

dubuhyun Sana-unnie, it's true? You never lied to me 

shyshysana I never lie to you! It's just a coincidence...Maybe 

dubuhyun You didn't trust me?

shyshysana I trust you, I'm a little possessive you know

dubuhyun Yes, but you should believe me and trust me if you want "we"ll become more then now

shyshysana I want "we"ll become more then now! I'm so sorry, forgive me, Dahyunnie!TT I love you

dubuhyun Ok, but If it happens again i'll  forbid you to kiss me, okay?

shyshysana NO! I realized my mistake it never happens again!

dubuhyun Ok

shyshysana Dahyunnie?

dubuhyun Yes?

shyshysana Can I come to you and kiss? Please?

dubuhyun Ok, I'm waiting you

shyshysana On my way, honyexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Username Uwu, saida's romantic #saida

jeongyeon Ok, why we can be like this, @Sisteryeon? 

Sisteryeon 'cause it's not that interesting 

jeongyeon Do you still ignore me? 

Sisteryeon Where are you now?

jeongyeon On my way to home

Sisteryeon Hurry up, i miss you!

jeongyeon I'm runnig! Miss you too, loser! 

Sisteryeon Hate you, dork ♡

jeongyeon Hate you more♡♡♡!

Username Uwu, 2yeon's romantic #2yeon

dancemochiene @Hyolead

Hyolead What?@dancemochiene

dancemochiene do you 'love me' or 'hate me'?

Hyolead I put up with you, it's more than enough

dancemochiene TT

Hyolead Come and kiss me @dancemochiene

dancemochiene ))))))))))))))))))))))

shipper'sheart a romantic by mohyo, uwu #mohyo

shipper'sheart I'm not complaining but when i'll see a romantic by mitzu??? #mitzu

pengymina What?

chou.yoda soon

shipper'sheart my heartTT #mitzu_is_real 


What kind of relationship do you like? 2yeon or Saida?

I think i just like a married couple relationship (*⌒▽⌒*)

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