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Sisteryeon With #strangepengy

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pengymina Why "with a strange pengy"? 

jeongyeon Well, you didn't go out with us and said you was "very busy" every time but you wasn't . And also when we came to the studio you always was hiding. You know it wasn't very polite

jeongyeon So, believe me, you are really #strangepengy

pengymina I'm sorry I didn't think it was so rude...

jeongyeon ;) Don't worry, @pengymina! You know how to fix this and we know you are just our #strangepengy

pengymina I'm not a strange!

Sisteryeon Yes, you are #strangepengy

dancemochiene #strangepengy

Usename Don't really understand what's going on in here, but #strangepengy

oncetwice @Usename same #strangepengy

Hyolead #strangepengy

pengymina The Leader!

chou.yoda #strangepengy



just #strangewriter

i'm sorry for so long a silence

readers (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

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