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dancomochiene i don't know what the fleshmob it is, but

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dancomochiene i don't know what the fleshmob it is, but.....MINE!

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username what kind of fleshmob is?

shipper'sheart the possesive girlfriends fleshmob, hehe... and


jeongyeon @shipper'sheart are you okay, dude? you're always so impressed so it's scared

shipper'sheart oh, thank you for caring @jeongyeon i'm just too sensitive, and when my OTP happend I can't help with myself. i'm fine!😁

jeongyeon ok

Hyolead i'm shy😳

dancomochiene ❤️❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝


until i was finiching this chapter i've found a little mistake in the last one. so i've fix it( 〃▽〃)

aaaaaand who finds what the mistake was gets a special from author(but it's too small mistake so i think nobody notice it( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)

anyway, this chapter is too short so i'll update another one today.

the finish is coming~



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