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Hyolead Guess who was on the date today #mitzu

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Hyolead Guess who was on the date today #mitzu

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pengymina It wasn't the date!

Hyolead Yes, it was

Sisteryeon WOW! I'm shocked!

pengymina @Hyolead it just was a friendly meeting

Usename Mitzu who?

dancemochiene @Usename - @pengymina and @chou.yoda

dancemochiene #mitzu in love

chou.yoda Yes, it was the date

jeongyeon Did you spy on them?@Hyolead

Hyolead What? Of course not! I was going to have lunch and noticed them in the cafe. But they didn't notice me at all. They were so into each other

dubuhyun hey @chou.yoda is that Mina you told me about? The most beautifulhotlovely girl ever?

chou.yoda @dubuhyun Unnie!!!

dubuhyun I want to meet with her @chou.yoda

shipper'sheart Shipshipship it! #mitzu

tiger.cheng Well, I know I wasn't online for a long time, but what's going on?

tiger.cheng Mina-unnie was back?


tiger.cheng What do you mean, unnie?@jeongyeon

Sisteryeon She means you haven't been online for two weeks @tiger.cheng You even didn't answer the phone and our messages. We really thought Jiwoo had drowned you

tiger.cheng Ehm, no! We just was busy

jeongyeon I hope you both grabbed extra blankets

tiger.cheng What?

jeongyeon ...

tiger.cheng UNNIE!!!

JokeRcolor She made me to visit all exhibitions in the Busan. When I said I had wanted to have a romantic holidays I didn't mean it like that

tiger.cheng At first, you didn't say it like this and at second you didn't like smth, honey? @JokeRcolor

JokeRcolor I had a perfect award at the nights, so no

Hyolead Hey, please! We're still here, in case you haven't noticed! @tiger.cheng @JokeRcolor

jeongyeon *crying like idiot* our kid grew up so fast, BUT PLEASE! Other kids is still with us

JokeRcolor Other?

jeongyeon Tzuyu and Dahyun

Hyolead I think Tzuyu is my daugther

jeongyeon Yeah, and I'm the dad

Sisteryeon Well, who am I then?

jeongyeon Granny

Sisteryeon Jeongyeon

jeongyeon Yes, ma'am?

Sisteryeon You sleep on the couch tonight

Usename I think Tzuyu's daddy is Mina

Sisteryeon ....

jeongyeon ...

tiger.cheng ...

Hyolead ...

Usename ...

chou.yoda Mina-oppa?

dancemochiene Minari is done


Don't ask how. Don't ask why.

Just a big chapter with a small meaning

Still love ya (つ≧▽≦)つ

P.S. Cute TWICE's arts like reason to wake up every morning ( ' ▽ ' ).。o♡

P.S.S. One day, I'll learn to do updates more than once a month. One day...

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