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dancemochiene Black Swan is back and she's ready to show you how need to dance #blackswan #TWStudio

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dancemochiene Black Swan is back and she's ready to show you how need to dance #blackswan #TWStudio

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Blackswan'sfan#1 YESYESYES!!!! I've been waiting for this!

Hyolead Yes, give 'em hell, girl! #blackswan

jeongyeon Kick some ass, sweet!#blackswan #girls'power

gyeomyum It sound fucking scary you know @jeongyeon @Hyolead

jeongyeon Where are your respect for elders, kid?@gyeomyum

Blackswan'sfan#1  Mina-san is the hottest(+elegant) dancer in the world!

Username Well, I love Minari but nobody noticed how is this photo hot? Nobody?

shipper'sheart @Usename #mimo

Hyolead @shipper'sheart  Sorry, darling, but Momo is taken #moji


My fave ship#2!


But the question is, MoJi? JiMo? MoHyo? or  JihMo?

I like MoJi (this is the title of Jihyo's and Momo's vlive), but often use JiMo or MoHyo(

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