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shyshysana ok, officialy: are you seeing this perfect cool beautiful adorable girl ever? SHE'S MINE! ONLY MINE! my girlfriend, my love, my sun, my future wife! and i'll be fighting with everyone who even lays a finger on her! #saidaforever

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shyshysana ok, officialy: are you seeing this perfect cool beautiful adorable girl ever? SHE'S MINE! ONLY MINE! my girlfriend, my love, my sun, my future wife! and i'll be fighting with everyone who even lays a finger on her! #saidaforever

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Sisteryeon i am tzuyu on this picture

dancemochiene we all are tzuyu when saida is happened

shipper'sheart AAAAAAAAAAAA! OMG! SAIDA IS OFFICIALLY REAL! OMG! SAIDA!#SAIDAFOREVER (and i don't care that everyone know about that anyway)

username when's the wedding?

jeongyeon i need to circle on calendar this date

chou.yoda hurray! finally it's #saida time

tiger.cheng when it'll be mitzu time?@chou.yoda @pengymina

chou.yoda ...

pengymina ....

Hyolead hehe

chou.yoda soon


MiTzu is coming(2)

I already said that, didn't I?


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