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{MiTzu's support squad 🐶 ❤️ 🐧}

son chaeyoung added yoo jeongyeon

yoo jeongyeon added hirai momo

hirai momo added park jihyo

yoo jeongyeon

ok, now tell us what's wrong, indetail

son chaeyoung


I wanted to meet with Tzuyu and Mina, so i'd called them and we decided to go to the park together

Everything was ok except their a love tension

Maybe i didn't feel myself like a third wheel (they didn't ignore me) but i saw HOW they looked at each other and felt THIS tension between each other

+ i think tzuyu-ah'd have killed me when mina-unnie had taken my hand

i felt THIS jealous killer's glance

i was really scared


it was a good day with MiTzu but it was a hard day with a MiTzu couple

we need to do something with this

park jihyo


mina don't confess to tzuyu

so we need to talk with tzuyu

and make her to do a first step

son chaeyoung

it won't work

park jihyo


son chaeyoung

i had a conversation with tzuyu about her and mina-unnie after meeting

and she's not sure if mina-unnie likes her

she thinks mina-unnie treat her like friend and only friend

so mina-unnie should confess the first

park jihyo


I've heard that before

yoo jeongyeon


park jihyo

i talked with mina and she also thinks she's just tzuyu's friend

yoo jeongyeon


why it's so complicated with this couple???

hirai momo

so, maybe i should talk with mina???

I've known her since we were kids

maybe she'll listen to me

park jihyo

ok, darling, do it

yoo jeongyeon

well, and i go to tell about that to nayeon or she will resent she's the last to know about everything

son chaeyoung

uwu, girlfriends' goals

good luck, unnies!


good luck to me to end this story.  really i don't know when the story's end  but it comes to the end i think.... i hope.....(  ̄ー ̄)φ__

i love this story and i cann't stop it sorry not sorry |_・)

anyway i 'm waiting the happy end (^人<)〜☆

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