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tiger.cheng Had a good day with these girls! #michaengtzu

2 tagged

pengymina, chou.yoda

3,753 likes, 78 comments

Sisteryeon My precious kids! TT

Hyolead my precious kid with her bf and gf✿

shipper'sheart  oh, it's too much for my heart! Т_Т what choose: mitzu or michaeng? or chaeyu? I'm suffering T_T

JokeRcolor my lovely bitchy with her friends

Username  @shipper'sheart i think it's about mitzu and chaewoo

dancemochiene @pengymina don't forget about tomorrow's practice

pengymina @dancemochiene i remember, Momo-ah

dancemochiene @pengymina don't overdo IT with Tzuyu

pengymina what?....

Hyolead MOMO!

chou.yoda what are you thinking, momo-unnie?@dancemochiene

dancemochiene (¬ω¬)

Hyolead @dancemochiene we talk at home

dancemochiene (ノωヽ)





what's wrong?


avengers assemble!




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