Chapter 10

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*The next day*

I tried to clear my mind on today's date so I'm helping the employees on making coffee and baking in the kitchen. I look over to Soo Ah and check if she's alright. Soo Ah was a blind child since birth. Ever since I made her my employee, her parents entrusted me to take very good care of her. So far she's hasn't done anything like burning herself or anything that could hurt her. She's a very sweet person so I know why Junu oppa liked her. She and Junu were on good terms and often talk to each other. What I meant by talking is Junu oppa writing on her. She knew Junu oppa's speech disability but it doesn't matter to her. As long she has a friend, she's happy. I heard the door chimed so I check over the door. It was someone I didn't expect to see after high school. "Anna!" "Y/N!" We ran to each other and each other a hug.

"I miss you so much."
"Me too girl."
"I haven't seen you since graduation. How are you?"
"Good! But I got a little surprise."
"What is it?"
"This." She patted her stomach.
"You'er pregnant?!" I gasp as I covered my mouth. "For how long?"
"About a month."
"And you're still in college!"
"I know. It was sudden but someone was happy though." She smiled.
"Wait. If you're here, what about Austin?"
"We're living here in Korea. It was Austin's dream to live in South Korea after his k-pop boy and girl band."
"Girl we need a lot to talk about starting right now." I put out a chair for her to sit.

She took her seat smiling while I sat on the other side. "Now tell me. Starting from the beginning." Me and Anna started chatting away until she had to go back to college. I went into the back and saw Soo Ah and Junu oppa chatting away. I decided to eavesdrop their conversation.

"Ne I really love dogs."
"I have a dog at home. I can ask my sister if we can bring it."
"I hope she accepts it."

I smiled as I walked off.

*A few hours later*

I closed up the shop and already saw Jungkook waiting for me. I walked up to him after telling my brother to go home without me. He just smiled and wrote something on my back before patting it. "Enjoy your date lil sis." I just blushed with my head down.

"Y-You look beautiful."
"Thanks." I kept averting my eye contact. "So where are we going?"
"Do you want to go to the movies?"

He took out his hand in front of me. I just stare at it. "Let's hold hands so we won't lose each other." I nodded and he took my hand. My heart rate increases just from a touch from him. We quietly walk to the movie theater. Jungkook picked out a movie for both of us and we went into the screening room. We sat in the far back so no one can notice us but we had to be careful of the people around us. One noise from us, they can possibly expect an idol is here in the movie theater. Right now there's no one in front of us so I decided to quickly start a conversation.

"What movie did you choose?"
"Well I heard girls loves romance movies but I heard a new musical movie came out last year. I never had the time to watch it due to my busy schedule."
"So what is it called?"
"The Greatest Showman."
"Oh I heard of it but I didn't have time to watch it."
"Then it will be our first time watching this together." He gave me a bunny smile.
"Y-Yeah." I look forward as my heart was beating.

Finally someone sat in front of us and the lights dimmed. The movie started playing.

*After the movie*

The movie ended and me and Jungkook quickly left the screening room before the lights go back on. We finally got out of the movie theater and walk back home together. I enjoyed the movie a lot. I bet Jungkook enjoyed it too. Though it was a musical I liked the songs and how much bravery the characters were. Watching from the movie reminds me of everyone back at the cafe. They were scared at first but now they aren't afraid anymore. As long they're together as a family, nothing could hurt them. Me and Jungkook were still holding hands which his hand was big and really warm. But it didn't last long as Jungkook let go. He put his hands in his pockets and kept walking forward.

"So did you enjoy the movie?"
"Yeah I did. It reminded me of my employees."
"I'm glad you like it." He smiled.

I smiled back until someone ruined it. "Oh my gosh. It's Jeon Jungkook from BTS!!!" A fan spotted us. "Sh*t." Jungkook grabbed my hand and we both started running. We took many turns but the fangirls were still onto us. Finally we hid in front of the car and sneakily ran back into a small alley after the fangirls pass us. We were catching our breath and I noticed how close we were. We both look away blushing. "I like you." "Huh?" I look at Jungkook who suddenly confessed. He was blushing but he wasn't looking at me. I guess he was afraid of getting rejected.

"I like you too."
"Really?" He finally looked at me.
"I don't really know but every time I look at you my heart beats. Even a touch from you makes my heart beats faster."
"Hehe so you do like me." He pinched my nose as he giggles.

I blushed even harder. I look down so he won't see my face although he already saw it. He giggles again and cupped my face.

"Look at me."

I look at him. He was showing his bunny smile.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I hesitated but I knew my answer for sure.
"Then I'll be your first kiss."

He was leaning towards my lips and pressed his lips against mine. He took it.......He took my first kiss......What's this feeling?..........It feels......nice.........I like it........

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