Chapter 2.

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{Hannah's pov}
After we got into the house, I walked into the kitchen and started making some tea "So Maddie, what are your favorite things to do?" I heard Thomas ask Maddie "I like to play with my toy horse's" she said, I smiled, she's just like me, I finished making the tea and went to the living room, I sat down next to Thomas and I handed him his tea, we both took a sip of it and started talking while Maddie was playing with her toys "So how long have you been living in the UK?" I asked Thomas "My whole life. How long have you been living here?" He said with a smile "Only a couple of years, I lived with a friend for a while untill I had enough money to move into my own place" I said with a smile back "That's nice" he said "Yea" I said "What school are you planning on having Maddie go to?" He asked "Actually I'm going to homeschool her" I said "I was homeschooled too" he said with a giggle, I giggled too "I was public schooled for a couple of years and then I asked my mom if I could be homeschooled and she said ok" I said "Nice!" He said with a laugh, I laughed too "Hey mommy?" Maddie said "Yes sweetie?" I said "Is Thomas gonna be my daddy?" She asked, my face turned beet red "No, honey" I said with a nervous laugh, Thomas looked at Maddie with wide eyes and blushed, and then he looked at me "We can be friends?" He said with a nervous smile "Sure!" I said with a happy smile, Thomas got up "I've gotta get going, I have band practice with my family in the morning" he said "Ok. That sounds like fun!" I said "Yea. Would you like to come and watch?" He asked "I'd love to!" I said, he smiled "Ok, be there at 6:18" he said "Alrighty" I said, me and Thomas walked to the door, he opened it "See you later, Hannah" he said "See you later, Thomas" I said, he walked out, I walked back to the living room and saw Maddie on the floor sleeping, I picked her up and walked up the stairs to her room and put her in bed "Goodnight, Maddie" I whispered. I walked across the hall into my room and changed into a pair of PJ's and got in bed, I eventually dozed off.
Hope you enjoy!💜
Word count: 431.

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