Chapter 4

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I stared at the car, someone was stealing something from it, I ran over to that person, they were stealing parts from the motor "Hey!!" I said and tried punching the person "Whoa hold on now pretty" a man said, he grabbed my wrist and pushed me against the side of the car, he tried kissing me, I screamed "Help!! Somebody help!!" everything went dark.
I woke up in my bed, I saw Thomas sitting in a chair beside me and I saw Maddie sleeping beside me, I got out of bed, but I ended up falling on Thomas, Thomas jolted awake "Oh it's just you, love, you need to get back in bed" he said "But I need to go to the bathroom and I need help walking" I said "Here let me help" he said, he got up and walked me to the bathroom.
He helped me walk back to the bed, I laid down "Thank you" I said with a small smile "You're welcome, love" he said and smiled back, we looked into each others eyes and shared a passionate kiss, I blushed, he smirked "Mommy?" I looked at Maddie with a smile "Yes?" I asked "Are you and Thomas dating?" She asked, Thomas looked at me "Well would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked, I nodded, he smiled "Yes honey" I said with giggle, she jumped up "Yay!" She said, me and Thomas kissed again.

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