Chapter 3.

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{The theme song⬆} {Hannah's pov}
I woke up the next morning and got dressed, I brushed my hair and went downstairs. I made me and Maddie breakfast, after I made breakfast, I heard her walking downstairs "Good morning, Maddie" I said with a smile "Good morning mommy" she said, I looked at the clock, it just turned 5:14, so I had time to eat and get ready for Thomas' band.
Me and Maddie got dressed after we ate breakfast and I grabbed the car keys and drove to the place I was supposed to go too.
We got there and we saw Thomas and his family in a big room, we walked in "Hi Hannah!" Thomas said "Hi Thomas" I said, he waved at Maddie and she waved back, a younger gal walked over to me "Hi, I'm Ava" she said while holding her hand out, I kindly shook it "I'm Hannah" I said with a smile, sh smiled back and looked at Maddie "And who are you?" Ava asked with smile "I'm Maddie" she said "Well its nice to meet you guys" Ava said "It's nice to meet you too" I said, Ava smiled and walked away "That's my sister" Thomas said "She's nice" I said with a smile, he nodded and smiled "And over there is my mum, Tasha, and over there is my dad, Mark" he said, they noticed me and waved, I waved back "Thomas we're ready!" Tasha said "Coming!" He said "If you want you can take a seat" he said with a smile and walked away "Ok" I said and sat down, the first song was a classic, and the others were written by Tasha and Ava, Maddie was having fun dancing, I smiled at my gorgeous 3 year old "Mommy dance with me!" She said while grabbing my hand "Ok!" I said while getting up and I started dancing, Thomas noticed me and her dancing and he smiled a big smile, I was laughing and having fun.
It was now 2:12 and Thomas walked up to me and Maddie "Did you guys like it?" He asked "We loved it!" Me and Maddie said in unison "I'm glad, well we're gonna go home we have a concert tomorrow night at a local bar and grill" he said "We are definitely going" I said with a thumbs up, he smiled and I giggled.
Me and Maddie walked outside, we had parked by Thomas, I looked at the car and realized something was wrong..........
Oooh a cliffhanger! What do y'all think is gonna happen?😏😉

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