Chapter 8.

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I woke up to the sudden urge to throw up, I ran to the bathroom and threw up, I sat down against the bathtub, Thomas and Maddie came running in "Are you alright love?" Thomas asked "Yes" I said with a reassuring smile, Thomas smiled back, Maddie walked over to me and hugged me, I hugged back "How about we go shopping?" I said, Thomas and Maddie looked at eachother "Ok" they said in unison, I smiled and got up.
We all got done getting dressed and went downstairs, I grabbed the keys "I'll drive" Thomas said "Ok" I said and handed him the keys, he smiled and nodded, I smiled back.
We got in the car and drove to the local toy store.
"Hey mom, what are we looking for?" Maddie asked "We're looking for baby toys" I said with a smile "Ok!" She said, she walked over to something, something caught her eye....again I thought to myself.

________Thomas's pov________
I noticed that Maddie walked away, I followed her, she was looking at My Little Pony toys "Hey, Maddie, what are you doing, love?" I asked "Just looking at the pony toys" she said with a smile "Alrighty" I said with a smile back, she grabbed one of the toys, and ran over to Hannah "Hey mommy, can I get this?" She asked while holding the toy up "Sure, sweetie" Hannah said, I smiled at my beautiful girls.

________Hannah's pov_______
We paid for the toys and got into the car, Thomas was driving when my dad called "Hello?" I said "Hi Hannah!" My dad said "Is there any trouble?" I asked "No, it's just your older brother told me you're pregnant and getting married, is it true?" My dad said "Yea, it's true" I said shyly "Honey, I'm so happy for you! Is it ok if me and your mom come and visit next week?" My dad said "Yep! That's perfectly fine!" I said "Alrighty love ya sweetie" he said "Love ya too daddy" I said, we both hung up "Your father seems nice" Thomas said nervous and shy "Yea, he can be a weirdo sometimes" I laughed out as Maddie giggled

Yay! Another filler chapter, but, hey, it's good!😄
I had a sucky night with a terrible earache, plus Pietro died in AoU.......soooo hopefully he'll be in the next movie😧😭🙊
QOTD: What Is Your Fav Candy?
A: M&M's......I can't live without them

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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