Chapter 7.

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It was Christmas day, Maddie woke up super early and decided to wake me and Thomas "MOMMY! THOMAS! WAKE UP!!" Maddie shouted while jumping up and down "OK! Ok...ok" I said with a laugh, I got up and and Thomas was still asleep, I grabbed a pillow and started hitting him with it "Thomas! Wake up! You sleepy head!!" I said while laughing, Thomas bolted awake "W-what's wrong?!?" Thomas shouted "Shhh it's ok, nothing is wrong" I said with a smile, Thomas smiled back.
Me, Maddie and Thomas all walked downstairs, Maddie immediately ran over to the Christmas tree, she looked at all of the presents and ran over to Thomas and jumped into his arm's, Thomas caught her "Who's gonna play Santa?" She asked with that adorable voice of hers "Hmmm, Thomas, do you want to play Santa?" I asked "I don't knoooww" he said, I looked at him with puppy dog eye's "Please!" I said, Thomas looked at me with a smirk on his lips "Oh, fine" he said, I smiled and walked over to the couch, Thomas looked at me and I sighed "Are you ok?" He asked "Yea, it's just my back hurts" I said with a small smile, he nodded and handed Maddie all of her presents "Here you go princess" he said "Thank you" she said with a big smile, she opened her first present to reveal a Breyer horse named Babyflo, she opened her second present to reveal a lip gloss kit, she opened her third present to reveal a movie called Flicka, she smiled at me and Thomas "Thank you, for all of the presents!" She said in awe "Your welcome baby girl" me and Thomas said in unison, she walked over to Thomas and hugged him, he kissed her cheek and hugged her back, then, she walked over to me and hugged me and I hugged back, I noticed a small red box with a bow on top "Hey, Thomas there is another box" I said, Thomas looked underneath the tree "Ah, yes!" He said and grabbed it "It's for you" he said "Ok" I said with a smile, Thomas got on one knee, I opened the box and saw a ring "Hannah, will you marry me?" He asked, I started crying tears of joy "Yes!" I said and hugged him, he hugged back "I love you Hannah!" Thomas said "I love you too Thomas!" I said, he kissed me on the lips, I kissed back, the kiss was sweet, soft and passionate, Maddie looked between me and Thomas and started jumping up and down "I'M GONNA BE A SISTER AND I'M GONNA GET A DADDY, COULD THIS WEEKEND GET ANY BETTER?!" Maddie shouted, me and Thomas smiled at her and laughed.
Drinking game: take a shot every time you see this ,
You are gonna be ded XD
I'm 13 soooo I can't play XD
Any way.
How are y'all?

I'm good now that I have looked at that picture! HDGJURSAARJOLCFH!!😍😍😥😍😍💘😭

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I'm good now that I have looked at that picture! HDGJURSAARJOLCFH!!😍😍😥😍😍💘😭

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