Chapter Eleven

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Noah's P.O.V

I was in and out of consciousness. People were walking all around me. I could not focus. Blurriness was taking over my sight. 

"Rosi. Where's Rosi?!" I yelled. I tried to pick up my arms, but there was no use. They were tied down. Soon I realized I was in an ambulance. 

"Sir, we need you to calm down. We are trying to stabilize you."

"Where's Rosi?!" I could not even see the person clearly.

"She is in another ambulance. They are trying to stabilize her as well. She has not woken up yet." I let my head fall against the thin pillow. Why now? What if she doesn't wake up? This can't be happening.

"Thank you for calming down, Sir. What's your name?"

"Noah. My name is Noah Grossman." She nodded. 

"Well, Noah. Would you like something while we get to the hospital?"

"My phone please. I need to call someone." She nodded and gave me my phone. Then she untied my right hand.

I looked up Keith's phone number.

"Hey, Noah. What is that sound?" He said as he referred to the sirens. I could barely speak.

"Rosi and I.. got into a car accident. I'm in an ambulance."

"Oh shit! I'm on my way, man. I'm a let Court and Liblib know." 

"Okay. T-thank you, Keith." I groaned. The pain was becoming unbearable.

"Alright, bye Noah. Relax, that I will be there." I hung up, and gripped onto my stomach.

"I injected you with some pain killers. They should start to kick in soon." I nodded as the ambulance got to the hospital. The Woman tied me up again.

The doors opened, and they took out my stretcher.

"She is becoming unconscious! Hurry it up." I looked over and saw Rosi. Her eyes were closing.

"No! Rosi! Don't close your eyes! Please stay with me!" She looked at me for a second.

"N-Noah?" She whispered as her eyes closed again.

"No! Rosi! No! Don't let go!" I cried. I can't lose her. Please dear God. Not now. I felt a sting in my arm. I looked over to see the silhouette of the lady who was in the ambulance.

"Sorry, Noah. You need to relax. Calm down."

"What did you do?! NO!" 

"It's so you can rest, Noah. Now sleep." 

"No! No!... No." I mumbled as I saw Keith running up to my moving stretcher. I could not hear him. All I saw were his tears as everything faded to black.


Olivia's P.O.V

Keith had Noah's hand in his own. Noah was starting to wake up. Tears were flowing down my cheeks. How could we break the news to him?  Rosimar is in a Coma. They don't know when she will wake up.

"Hey Noah." Courtney spoke since Keith was sobbing too much to say a word. Noah groaned and looked at me for a second.

"Where's Rosi? Please tell me she's okay." He was getting louder. I pointed over to his side. We begged the doctor to have them be in the same room so then that way, we could be with them when they both woke up. Sadly, we didn't know that she was in a coma.

Noah looked over and saw her damaged body on the bed.

"No! No, no, no! Please tell me she's okay. Tell me she will live!" Courtney started to bawl her eyes out just like Keith. 

"We don't know, Noah. She is in a coma. They don't know if she will wake up." I cried as I said those words.

Noah began to sob. He tried to lift his arms, but they were tied. We let the doctor know that he hits himself when angry.

He started to flail around on the bed.

"Tell them to let me go! She needs to make it! She can't leave me! Talk to the doctor! Please!" A nurse rushed in as he kept yelling. She took a needle filled with this medication that makes him fall asleep.

"Don't fucking do it! Don't you dare fucking inject me!" He yelled as she stuck the needle into his arm.

"Fuck! I said no!" He yelled as he flailed around some more. Slowly, but surely he slowed down his movement, as he finally fell asleep.

"I am sorry. He is just worked up. I promise you that when he is calmer, he is the sweetest guy you will meet." Keith defended as he wiped his tears. The nurse smiled at us. 

"Don't worry, Hun. I have had my fair share of bad days with patients, and I understand why they act the way they do. They will come around." She said as she sat on a chair to speak to us.

"Yeah. He is most likely blaming himself for what happened with her." I said as I pointed at Rosi. My eyes started to water. Please wake up, Rosi.

"I see. Is that his girlfriend?" The Woman who now I know her name is Rebecca asked.

"No. I mean, if you saw them on a regular day, you would think so. They hold hands and everything, but no. They are just very close best friends." Rebecca hummed. 

"I see. Well, to update you on Noah. He will be okay. Nothing major happened with him. He has a concussion, but that is about it." She nodded with a smile.

"Now Rosimar," She began as she frowned, "We don't know. We have the same information we already told you. We don't know when she will wake up, or if she will wake up." We all started to cry. 

"I am sorry, but I have to leave for other patients. Have hope." She said with a sympathetic smile. I hugged Courtney.

"We need to prepare for anything, but there is just no way of preparing if Rosi doesn't make it." Keith sobbed. I let go of Courtney, and hugged Keith. From the three of us, Keith was closer to her. I can't even imagine how Noah will feel.

"Let's have hope. Rosi is strong. She can get through this. I know it." I tried to convince all of us, but even I could not build up the hope within me. 


Anthony's P.O.V

"Ian, we gotta go. Come on, man." I rushed Ian. I could barely contain my tears.

"Anthony, you go. I will drive up as soon as possible." I nodded, and ran out the office. I was crying my eyes out. I knew Noah was fine. Keith called and let me know, but Rosimar isn't doing so well. Ian was crying, and wanted to leave, but he was having complications with family. 

"Anthony, where is everyone?" Shayne asked. I rolled my eyes, and wiped them.

"What's going on, man? Are you okay?" He asked. I swear, I just wanted to punch him.

"Everyone is at the hospital. I need to go." I said turning around to leave.

"Wait! Why?" I was shaking. I wanted to get to the hosipital, and I was probably going to get stuck in traffic. 

"Noah and Rosi were on the freeway, and Noah's car got hit by a truck. Noah is fine, but Rosi is in a coma. The doctors don't know if she will wake up." I said as tears fell from my eyes. Shayne looked at me in pure shock.

"Anthony, please take me with you. I need to see them. Please." He said as his eyes teared up.

"Shayne, why do you care? You didn't care earlier when you lied to Ian about what happened. I might have not been there, but we know you lied. Why now do you want to act like you care?"

"It's hard to explain. Just please, let me go with you."

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