Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Rosimar's P.O.V.

We were in a heated make out session. Our lips fitting together perfectly, and our touches lingered. His fingers grazing over all of me. My hips bucked at the foreign feeling of his touch. Goosebumps rose wherever his fingers touched. My right hand traveled around his chiseled torso and I questioned what I was doing. His stormy-sky, blue eyes stared into my own. His lips traveled around my  neck, and I could barely control the low moans that broke through my lips. Our breaths fanned against each other's skin. My hand raked through his hair as all I could feel was pleasure from his lovely and rough kisses. But, that feeling that I knew far to well, erupted within me. Fear was at my fingertips. A part of me wanted this to happen, but the other side was terrified. I knew better than to let it carry on.

"Shayne, please stop. I can't do it." I pushed at his chest. He lifted himself a bit and looked at me. He looked over my body like all he could think of was to devour me. I tried to move, but he wouldn't let me. He looked at me with a smirk and I felt my chest heaving for air, but I felt like I was underwater. Shayne, can't be doing this to me.

He pried my legs and removed my panties. I felt panic erupt within me.

"No, Shayne! Please no! You promised!" I tried to close my legs and push him off, but I couldn't. He was far too strong.

I felt shaking. I could not snap out of it.

"Ah!" I shot up on the bed, and Shayne sat next to me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I looked at him with fear in my eyes. I have not had a nightmare of being raped in a long time. I tried to move away, but I couldn't find the strength to move my own body. He tried to touch my face, and I flinched.

"Don't touch me. I don't... No." He looked at me, worriedly.

He grabbed a hold of me, like he always did and brought me into a close hug. I pushed at his chest. I felt like I couldn't breathe properly. My breathing was coming out rugged and short.

"Let go. Please don't hurt me. I don't want to. I wasn't ready. Please no." I could not stop reliving the moments that flashed in my head. He placed his cheek on mine, and I felt a sense of security.

"Princess, it's just me. I won't hurt you, my love. Breathe deeply and slowly. It's okay, Baby. It's just you and me. Nothing will happen to you. It's okay." Panic was still at my finger tips, but I felt better.

"What happened, Baby?" He asked sweetly as he grabbed my cheek. I flinched and my eyes kept watering and letting go of tears.

"I had a nightmare of you." I said, in a meek and pathetic voice. He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What did I do, Love?" I felt my throat dry, and it was beginning to hurt.

"You.. You forced me to do things because we were trying to make love, but I couldn't do it. You just kept going, and I couldn't move. I just begged you to stop and you continued. I- I'm sorry, Shayne." I bawled my eyes out. He looked at me with a horrified expression.

"Princess, It's okay. I would never do that you, Baby. I am not like him. Okay, Love? I would never hurt you like that. You can get through it all. I will be here for you always. I am so sorry you had such a nightmare." He held me close, and everything felt okay. He wrapped his strong arms around me and I melted into his touch. Everything around me seemed to slow down. His heartbeat kept me at ease.

"I love you, Princess... So much. Please don't forget that. I only want the best for you." He raked his fingers through my hair, and I bawled my eyes out into his naked chest. This foreign feeling was erupting in my chest for him. One that I could not understand nor did I know what it was. It was this feeling of warmth in my heart for this man that I could not figure out.

He laid down and left me on top of him.

"Good night, Baby." I wrapped my arms around him as I melted into his comfort.

"Good night, Bebe." The last thing that I felt were his lips on my forehead as everything went blank.


Shayne's P.O.V.

"I am worried about her, Dame." Damien and I had just finished an episode of the Damien and Shayne Show. Everything was shut off and it was just Damien and I in the room.

"Why?" He asked as he turned more to face me. I did the same as I rubbed the pad of my left thumb against the palm of my right hand.

"Last night, she awoke screaming. She had a nightmare of being raped." Damien's eyes widened.

"But, wasn't she doing better?" I nodded my head.

"Yes, but we were getting a bit heated the other day. I told her that I wanted to wait until she was truly ready. She told me that she is glad because when having sexual activities with a person, she will have flashbacks of what happened, but only if she isn't comfortable with them. We left it at that. But, last night the dream wasn't about the guy that raped her. It was about me raping her." I whispered the last part as my eyes began to water. The fact that she might become fearful of me because of her dreams, is scary.

"It was of you? I am sorry, man. That's horrible. Why don't you try getting her a therapist?" I shook my head as tears started to flow down my cheeks.

"She doesn't believe in those treatments. She doesn't want to seek help." Damien sent a pitiful smile my way and hugged me close. I cried into his shoulder.

"Bebe, it's time to-... Shayne, what's wrong?" I pulled away from Damien's embrace and wiped my tears.

"It's nothing, Princess. Let's go home. Dames, I will see you tomorrow." Damien and I hugged for a bit.

"Hang in there, Shayne." He whispered so that only I could hear. I pulled away and mouthed a thank you to him. He nodded and sat back down. He usually stays a little longer.

Rosimar and I walked in silence through the halls. I knew damn well she would be talking about my crying. When we got into the car, she stayed silent once more. She put on the aux and played some music. I felt a frown spread across my lips as she did this. I kept driving. My hand was on the armrest. I jumped at her sudden touch upon my skin. I looked at her for a split second. She looked at my hand for a long while. I was driving into my driveway I looked over at her again and she slowly and gently laced our fingers together. She did it as if my hands might fracture in her own. I could not help, but feel my heart leap within its cage.

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