CH 5: Date

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Start: 29/07/18

After Daphne's shift they got one hour to fix before they were going to meet there again. Loki went back and changed clothes. It went quickly thanks to his powers.

Thor looked at his brother confused.

"Why so dressed up?" Thor asked.

"I'm going to meet someone" Loki replied.

"Really? Who is it?" Thor asked.

"You don't know her" Loki said.

"It's a girl?! You're going on a date?" Thor said surprised.

"Yes brother. Happy now" Loki asked.

"Definitely" Thor said and lay his hand On Loki' shoulder. "Good luck"

Loki went to the meeting place and came there in time. One minute later Daphne came in a blue dress and her hair down. She usually has it in a bun. Loki couldn't thank the universe for how lucky he was.

"You're late" He said and smiled at her.

"One minute" She pointed out.

"You look beautiful" Loki said.

"Thank you. You doesn't look bad yourself" She said and he laughed at the compliment.

They walked around. Until they reached the a building. When they went inside Loki saw that it was ice skating. But the building made it seem like they where still outside because it was decorated with trees and the roof was made of glass.

"Do you have good balance?" Daphne asked.

"I guess we're about to figure it out" Loki said.

And they did. They took their ice skates and went out on the eyes. At first it was hard for Loki. He even fell once which made Daphne laugh. But he learned quickly and could glide around as like any other. They Ice skated the whole evening until they closed. Then they decided to go on a walk together.

"It have been a wonderful evening" Daphne said. "You learn quickly"

"Thank you" Loki said with the smile we all know. "I guess I had a good teacher"

Daphne giggled.

"Always a gentleman are you?" Daphne asked.

"Unless when I'm a prankster" Loki said.

"Well. I guess that I need to go back home" Daphne said. "I work tomorrow"

"I'll see you there I guess" Loki said.

Before Daphne walked away she just starred into Loki's eyes. Which made Loki really want to kiss her. And he did. First gently to see her reaction but when she kissed him back he pulled her close. She was a little bit to short for Loki so he had to bow down a bit.

When they let go they both had a smile on their face.

"Good night Loki" She said with a smile before she walked away.

And yet Loki couldn't feel happier.


Days went and it became weeks. And everyday after Daphne's shift Loki and she went on a walk. Loki had already introduced Daphne to Thor a little quickly when he saw them walking on the street. It was two weeks since their date and they both were in love with each other.

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