CH 13: Destination

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Start: 07/09/18

Loki finally got the answers. He went to the library with the letter in his hand then he took out the flower journey and started to season for the flowers that Daphne had draw.

He found the first one.


He wrote it down and searched for the other flowers.

Impatiens was the other flower. He was searching for the third one when someone came in.

"What are you doing?" Dave asked.

"None of your business" Loki said.

"You trying to find clues aren't you?" Dave said. "When are you going to give up. She left you. It's time to admit the truth. She's not coming back"

"You were a friend of her so why don't you want me to bring her back?" Loki asked. "Unless..."

Suddenly Dave was against the wall with a dagger on his throat.

"You were the one who wrote the letters to her" Loki said.

"Took you long enough" Dave laughed. "She didn't deserve your destiny. I just saved her from becoming a disaster. From your unhappy ending"

"It doesn't matter what she does she'll never become a disaster" Loki said. "And I'll find her"

"Not without this" Dave said and took out Daphne's letter and then before Loki could do anything Dave threw it in the fireplace where it slowly burned.

Loki let go of Dave and ran to the fire place but it was to late. He turned towards Dave again and walked towards him. Dave looked at him with a victorious smile when Loki suddenly punched him.

"Really? Was that all you got oh god of mischief" Dave laughed when Loki punched him again.

"It doesn't matter how many times you punch me. Your destiny is worse" Dave said. "Because you are going to live in an unhappy infinity"

Loki was about to hit him when someone stopped him.

"Loki that's enough" Thor said.

Some guards came in and took Dave away.

"Brother what was that about?" Thor asked.

"He's the reason that Daphne left" Loki said. "And now everything I had last of her is gone. He burned the letter, my only clue to find her"

"But you must have figured out something? Thor said.

Loki showed he what he found about the flowers she wrote.

"Well let's take the first letter on those two flowers and start with overwrite places where they doesn't fit in" Thor said. "Don't worry brother. We'll figure this out."

They sat there trying to figure out which places didn't fit in. Right now the places that were out of their list were beside from Asgard, Hel and Muspelheim.

"It can't be Jotunheim" Thor said and stroke the name on the list which honestly made Loki relieved.

"So left we have Alfheim, Nidavellir, Vanaheim, Midgard and Svartalfheim" Thor said.

"We can take away Midgard" Loki said. "I've already looked there. And Svartalfheim, she's smarter then that"

"So where do you think she can be?" Thor asked him.

"I remember one place she talked to me about" Loki said.

"Where?" Thor asked.

"Vanaheim" Loki replied.

It didn't took long for Loki to prepare himself. He decided to go alone knowing that it was probably the right thing to do.

When he finally arrived to the bifrost Heimdall stood there prepared.

"Where to?" Heimdall asked.

"Vanaheim" Loki replied as Heimdall opened the bifrost and Loki stepped into the portal.

He arrived in Vanaheim and looked around. He was on a meadow. And not far from there it was a village. Loki walked towards the village with one mission. To find Daphne.


Daphne had been at the farm working. And when she arrived in her little house Loki was standing there waiting for her.

"Loki?" She said surprised.

"I once knew a girl" Loki said. "She didn't judge anyone for what they were. She had this beautiful smile that always made my day. I fell in love with her and somehow she fell in love with me to"

Loki walked closer to Daphne and looked in her eyes.

"I brought her home" Loki continued. "She was willy to give up everything for me. But I was so stupid that I didn't see what was right in front if me. That I wasn't the only one needing her. That she also needed me. But it was to late, she was already gone"

"What happened then?" Daphne asked.

"I spent every single second trying to find her. Because after what ever happened to us I was still in love with her" Loki said. "And now I'm here asking her to give me one more chance. Daphne would you please give me one more chance?"

Daphne nodded.

"Yes Loki. I'll give you one more chance" She replied. "If you give me one more chance too"

"You are still on your first chance" Loki said and pulled her into a gently kiss.

"But what about the letters?" Daphne said when they broke the kiss. "Loki if what they say is true and you gonna get hurt we have to do something"

"Daphne I found the one who sent you all those letters" Loki said.

"Really who?" Daphne asked.

"Dave. I'm sorry. I know how close you were" Loki said.

"It's okay" Daphne said. "Because now I have you"

Hand in hand they walked out and called on the bifrost so that they could finally return home. The walked towards the palace talking when suddenly some guards came up and took Loki.

"Loki you're under arrest for stealing the tesseract"


Thanks for reading!

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