CH 16: Tricksters' trick

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Start: 01/10/18
End: 12/10/18

Loki looked at the portal and then at the tricksters.

"Hurt her and it'll be the last you do" Loki said.

"Don't worry. It depends on you" The trickster said as Daphne was waking up from her sleep and looked at the fake Loki.

"Now" The trickster said smiling. "Are you willing to help us"

Loki looked back at the screen. Whatever the fake Loki said to Daphne she was hurt. She tried to talk back to him but he was harsh towards her.

"He's telling her that he never loved her you know" The trickster said. "She might not believe it now but she will. Like everyone she will believe him"

Loki saw how fake him started to hurt Daphne physically.

"Stop this now or you'll suffer worse than you can even imagine" Loki hissed.

"Come on this is just some simple play" The trickster said. "Think of what we can do for real. Now do we have a deal?"

"Loki if we give it to them all the nine world are in danger" Odin said. "And those never keep their promises. She'll die anyway"

"Shut up!" Loki said.

"Brother what do you want us to do?" Thor asked.

Loki thought but none of the solutions were safe enough at least not to take down both of them.

Then suddenly he saw something sneaking behind the tricksters. He took a deep breath and nodded.

"We'll help you" Loki said.

"Loki don't!" Odin said. "It'll put the world in danger"

"It doesn't matter" Loki said. "Cause my world is already dying"

"Brother there has to be another way" Thor said.

Loki didn't listen but walked towards the tricksters.

"Wise choice" The trickster said.

But in that moment Loki stabbed the trickster. And Frigga did the same with the other. The both fell to the floor and shouted in pain.

"You're not the only one that can play tricks" Loki said.

As both tricksters fell to the floor bleeding Loki heard two simple words come out of a tricksters mouth.

"Kill her"

As Loki heard the word a wave of pain washed over him. He knew that Daphne probably was going to face a slow and painful death soon. If he didn't do anything. So without thinking he grabbed the tesseract and Thor who understood grabbed the otherside and they teleported themself to the place where Daphne was.

When they arrived at the place the first thing Loki did was letting go of the tesseract and punch the fake Loki who had a tight grip on Daphne's neck.

While Thor took over the fight Loki went to Daphne who was grasping after air.

"Daphne?" Loki said worried.

She looked at him with fear in her eyes.

"It's okay" Loki said. "I'll explain everything for you but for now you need to rest"

Daphne looked Thor who was finishing his fight with fake Loki and her mind cleared a little before she nodded.

"It hurt" Daphne said.

"I know" Loki said. "I saw what they did to you"

"No. The thought" Daphne said. "The thought that this was all fake"

"It's okay" Loki said. "I promise I love you"

And together they went up to the castle.

The next day Loki woke up earlier to prepare breakfast to Daphne in bed who needed a few days rest. The rest of the family saw when Loki went into Daphne's room with breakfast as they walked by.

"I'm really glad for Loki" Thor suddenly said. "He have changed"

"Indeed he have" Odin said.

"He's changing for the lady's sake" Frigga said. "She've reached him in a way we never did"

"You did Mother" Thor said. "He have always looked up to you"

"Maybe" Frigga said.

"What ever the reason us I hope he sticks this way" Odin said. "He's better this way, he's happier"


And that's my friends was the last chapter.
I have to admit that it isn't one of my best works but I hope you enjoyed.
Pray for Loki to come back in the end game but until then farewell readers!

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