CH 11: Leaving

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Start: 27/08/18

Daphne's week hasn't been that good either. After some day she decided that if they hadn't figure it out after a week she would leave. It was the best for both of them. A week had already past and even if she still had hope she was going to leave tonight.

All her things were already packed. She had written a letter to Loki instead of a goodbye. All she had to do now was wait until the night came in. Because then she was going to leave.

And the night came. When Daphne made sure that everyone was sleeping she took on her coat and snuck out. She was almost by the bifrost when she got stopped.

"Leaving already dear?" She heard a voice say.

She turned around and saw Frigga standing there.

"I uh..." She tried to figure out something to say.

"You don't have to explain. I know. I just hoped for more" Frigga said

"I'm sorry that it never worked out" Daphne said.

"No need to apologise" Frigga said. "This isn't anyone's fault. I hope you find a good place to stay on. Just tell Heimdall that I sent you then he'll let you through"

"Thank you your majesty" Daphne said. "Not only for this. For always being kind to me"

"No problem" Frigga said and hugged Daphne. "See you soon darling"

Daphne didn't have the nerve to tell Frigga that she didn't think that it would happen. But after their little goodbye Daphne went to the bifrost and told Heimdall what the Queen told him.

"Where are you going?" Heimdall asked as he prepared the bifrost.

"A place that I long missed" Daphne said. "I'm going to..."


That day Loki understood that something was wrong. Because he didn't see Daphne at the breakfast and not at the training either. He searched around for her even if he still tried to avoid her.

When he finally gave up he went back to her room. There he saw guard walking into Daphne's room.

"Hey what are you doing?" Loki asked.

"Moving the furnitures" One of the guards said.

"Why?" Loki asked confused.

"Haven't you're heard? Daphne has moved away" The guard replied.

The word hit him as a bullet. Was she gone without even saying goodbye.

"If you want to the Queen said that you could search through the room" The guard said.

Loki nodded and they walked away. Then he took a deep breathe and went into the room. It was barely touched. He looked around and saw a little letter on the bed pillow.

A bit of hope lit up when he saw he's name on it. Then he took a deep breathe and read it.

"Dear Loki

You did it again. You did what you always have done. Pushed everyone out of your life.
Soon you aren't going to have anyone left. Not even Frigga. You know for once I thought that you could change. That you actually were able to love. But I saw your behaviour and understood that it was to late. That's why we warned her. She was so blind that she didn't see what you did towards her. Don't blame us for what happened. We just made the process quicker. For her own sake. You was going to hurt her anyway. But we won't kill you. You are going to get through something worse. You are going to live alone and unloved.

From The right ring"

Loki felt the rage boiling in his veins. This was all their fault. When he found them he was going to make them suffer worse than imaginable. He threw the letter in the fire when he saw a key. He took it up and looked around for a fitting keyhole.

And the he saw it on the drawer. He took the key inside and saw that it fitted. Then he slowly twisted it and opened the drawer. There he saw a lot of letters. All with one name written on it.



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