CH 15: The Kings order

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Start: 25/09/18

As Loki was reading the book calmly in his cell when he heard guards going down the stairs. Suddenly they threw something in front of Loki's cell window. He could see a person under the cape but not who it was until she looked up. Daphne all bruised up and hurt looked at raging  Loki right in the eye.

"Let her go" He said furious. "Or I'll be your worst nightmare"

"You can't do anything from there" The guard said. "And we're loyal to our king"

"Your King?!" Loki said madly. "Odin gave you the order to hurt her for what reason?!"

"Where is the tesseract?!" The guard asked.

"I don't know" Loki said.

"Okay let's try again" The guard said and pulled up Daphne by her hair and put a dagger on her throat. "Where is it?! And think carefully before you answer"

But before anyone could even blink Thor appeared as the hero he is and threw away the two guards from Daphne. While Thor tied them up Loki, who got released by Thor went worryingly up to Daphne.

"Daphne?" Loki asked worried. "Are you okay? Why didn't you fight back?"

She showed her left hand where there was a small leather bracelet on it.

"I swear on Asgard that you'll pay for that" Loki said.

"What's that?" Thor asked.

"A warriors bracelet" Loki said. "It has the ability to take away anyones strength"

"She needs to rest" Thor said.

"I know" Loki said. "I'll take her to her room and the talk to Odin"


"Don't tell me otherwise" Loki interrupted.

"I wasn't going to" Thor said. "I was going to say that I'll help you brother"

They sneaked into Daphne's room and lay her on the bed.

"Rest love" Loki said and kissed her on the forehead.

He had taken off the bracelet but she was still weak.

"Just be careful" Daphne said sleepy.

"I will" Loki said.

And then he walked out and locked the door.

"Are you ready brother?" Thor asked.

"I'm more than ready" Loki said and walked with decided steps towards the throne.

When they arrived there Odin was sitting on his throne alone and thought of something.

"Odin!" Loki called. "How could you use the banned method on her. You don't have a single drop of Mercy in your body"

"Don't you speak like that to me" Odin said. "And who let you out?!"

"I did" Thor said. "Father what you did was wrong. The banned method is banned because of on reason"

"The banned method?" Odin said confused.

Loki was about to say something when he heard small laughters echo in the room.

"It took you long enough to figure out" The voice said.

"Who's there?!" Thor screamed when two short and ugly figures stepped out of the shadows.

"We are the tricksters" One of them said.

"Leave this castle" Odin said angry.

"No. I'm talking here" The trickster said. "We need your help. With this"

And then he took out the tesseract.

"How did you..." Thor said slowly.

"Oh it was simple" The trickster said as he turned to a version of Loki before he turned back to himself again. "Now help us"

"Not even if our life depended on it " Thor said.

"I know" The trickster said smiling. "That's why it's not on your life"

And that's when a picture showed up of Daphne and Loki in a cave somewhere unknown.

"Now let's make the fun begin" The trickster said smiling.

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