the flies in my stomach

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how ridiculous it is to fall
to fall once again
the same person that my mind calls
whenever my head has a bargain.

isn't it such a disgrace
to feel the flies in my stomach
isn't a dreadful phase
where all i want to do is mock.

that sweet twinkle of his eyes
and the warmth of his voice
snaps me to reality in flight
which is still my choice

i get allured with your being
that fragile frame
oh how i wish you weren't looking
that awful face i made

whether i like it or not
you always struck my mind
a string with one annoying knot
solutions so complicated to find

author's note 

one of the weirdest and shortest poems i made.   i feel w e i r d .

p.s i wrote this bc i got inspired with another poem THAT WAS SO GOOD and it's about love and i was like 


but anyways

e n j o y a n d k e e p s c r o l l i n g 

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