Chapter 2

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Night crawled in slowly, it was dark by the time they finished cooking and laying the table. The crunching of gravel, wave of headlights and dying down of an engine alerted them of the arrival of their guests. The two sisters exchanged a nervous glance before advancing to the door. Their mother was the first to burst in, carrying a tub of ice-cream in her hands. Deadorah Thomas was a picture of a woman aging gracefully and comfortably. Her chocolate hair was in a bun on the crown of her head, she had opted for a blue dress and a peach cardigan. Her eyes were a startling dark brown but they always conveyed a smile that reflected her soul. And her wedding ring, a small stone molded into a silver band of metal reminded her of her late husband. Albert. Someone who she had stopped looking for in large crowds but could never forget.

"Ow, what a lovely evening it will be." She almost sang when she saw the spread on the table.

Behind her, two gentlemen walked in. The first, in a black suit, white shirt and grey tie. His lips eased into a smile as he walked in, his eyes immediately fell in Coralia as reached out a hand. Geneline took his offer at her sister's hesitation and shook his hand before she walked around to his partner, leaving Coralia with the handsome stranger. He had black hair, flowing over his head as dark curls. He had a dark complexion, an unusual contrast to his crystal blue eyes hidden behind glasses. When he took Coralia's hand, his hold was firm.

"I assume you must be Coralia. Your mother said I would recognize you by your smile." His voice was mature, mellow and sophisticated, "I am professor O'conald. Triton O'conald."

She smiled, savoring the magic in the moment but it quickly disappeared when he released her hand and advanced into the house. His partner came up to Coralia with a smile plastered on his face. He looked younger with his baby soft brown eyes and blonde hair trimmed short. He wore a simple blue tie and pants. He carried a bottle of wine. When he shook her hand, he turned to look at her sister as though confused.

"What a treat O'conald. We'll be dining with beautiful women tonight." He turned back to Coralia, "I am Jason. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Once seated around the table, the conversation flowed naturally between them as though they had all known each other for years. Triton sat at the head of the table with Jason on the opposite end, the women filled in the sides with the two sisters seated side by side opposite their mother. The wine had been set to chill in a bucket of ice in the middle of the food decorated the table. Coralia stole glances at the professor, the waistcoat he had left after shedding his blazer at the door hugged his torso in a flattering manner. He continued in the chatter, hardly noticing her. A knock came at the door halfway through the meal and they fell silent.

"I wonder who that could be." Their mother craned her neck to look around the curve of the dining room to the front door.

Coralia offered to get it. Unlocking the door, her heart stopped at the sight of Jareth. Alcohol radiated from him as soon as he opened his mouth to greet her. He had to lean against the door to keep his balance. She almost felt sorry for him.

"I am sorry I stood you up today." He slurred.

"It does not matter." She meant what she said as she tried to slam the door.

"No listen." He blocked it with his boot, "I know you are angry but Elizabeth means nothing. Sh-she has been throwing herself at me. Anyway, you know I am leaving tonight. I was hoping we could spend some time together."

Coralia shook her head, tried to kick his boot away but he stood firm. He pleaded with her in harsher tones and when she refused, he grabbed her wrist. He violently pulled her out of the door. She swallow her scream at the thought of embarrassing her mother.

"Come on Cora." His breathe was foul, she noted it as she collided with his chest.

Jareth ground his teeth near her ear before he tried to kiss her. It was the sound of the door cracking open that saved her. For a moment, she feared it was her mother but the sound of heavy footsteps followed. Jareth released her, pushed her away and she dropped to the floor unprepared.

"That is no way to treat a lady young man." Triton's voice was stern behind her, "Touch her like that again and I will hurt you."

Jareth took the professor in before he figured it wasn't worth it. He looked down at her longingly and she looked away. He turned to leave, sprinting out of yard as soon as he descended the two stairs. Never turning back. Coralia felt two hands take hold of her waist and lift her onto her feet. Triton whirled her around to face him. She felt her world slow down at the concern on his face. He held her close, close enough for her to breathe in his musky scent.

"Did he touch you in any inappropriate way?" He asked.

She shook her head and he instantly relaxed.

"We cannot have you disrespected by foolish boys." He dropped his head, leading his lips to her ear, "No man will ever be worth your tears, as no man will ever let you cry."

Coralia hadn't realized she had had been crying. The professor dismissed her apology for having him witness such an event and she thanked him for his kindness. In all that time, he held onto her. Allowing her to rest her head on his chest. They went back inside when she had gathered herself. They spoke nothing of it, only making up a story of what had kept them outside after the knock. Dinner continued as though it were never disrupted, the professor did not look at her.

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