Always A Doof

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"I don't wanna wait. I want to marry you Julian" 

His eyes left mine, and looked down to my lips as he moved closer. The next thing I felt was his hand sliding through my hair, and the other around my waist, pulling me into his body. His soft lips pressed to my own, taking my breath away. How could I refuse spending my whole life with this man? I know I was foolish to doubt it, and I'd never forgive myself for putting him through it, I just hoped he knew I was sorry.



As I held her in my arms, my head was swimming with relief. Relief that I hadn't lost her and she was still happy to be with me. I wasn't going to lie and say it didn't hurt like hell that she thought all those things. Like, I wasn't sure how I was going to prove to her more that I wanted to be with her forever. But I guess her insecurity is something I can work on with her. The littlest things must help right? I mean, He who moves a mountain, begins by carrying away the smallest of stones... Man, where had I heard that before? Still, I'd dedicate my life to making my woman happy, and I intended to be the perfect husband and daddy I could be. Speaking of which, having her pressed against me, finally kissing her again after missing her all this week, had my um, intentions right now a little conflicted...

The bulge in my pants was letting her know I wanted her. But I didn't want to make tonight about that. I wanted to show her it was okay, she could have all the time she needed to make sure she was happy. I didn't want to rush her into marrying me. But I wanted to know she did want to though. 

I pulled away from her lips, looking down into her big green eyes. I licked my lips, they tasted of her mint lip balm. She smiled at me and bit her lip. I wanted to let out a growl... "I have something for you" I said softly, making her raise an eyebrow. "I know..." she giggled, palming my erection through my tight pants. I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle, "No..." I shook my head, sitting back from her, digging into my pant pocket, to pull out her ring. "will you please wear it again?" I asked her, her smile getting wider. She brushed away a tear and nodded at me. "and don't take it off. Ever" I told her, making her giggle lightly. "I have no intentions of doing that" she smiled, making me grin. I took her hand, and pushed the ring back gently onto her finger. "good" I grinned at her, leaning in again to kiss her.


"so what are we gonna do about Danny and Liv?" Julian sighed, disturbing our silence. We were layed back into the cushions, me snuggled up into his chest, fiddling with my ring. I turned my head to look up at him and shrugged. "I don't think there's anything we can do this time" I sighed. "but they can't split up..." he whined. "they're made for each other" he added. "that's what I thought" I nodded. "she's home in a couple of days, I guess they'll have a lot to talk about" I said, "unless she's already decided" Julian replied. "that's what I'm worried about"
"I'm gonna have to call him" Julian said, looking down at me with worried eyes. I nodded, "okay. I'll take the dinner plates inside" I told him, moving off him, but his hand held me against him a little longer. I looked into his eyes and he pulled me back against his lips for one more passionate kiss. "I'll see you in a little while?" I asked, as his big hand travelled down, smoothing across my bum. "yeah..." he answered lowly, pressing his fingers into my behind before letting me go.

I slipped off the cushions, grabbing the dishes on the way back downstairs and into the kitchen.


I was sitting on the couch watching the TV when I heard Julian finally coming down from the roof. When he moved down the stairs I looked over from my curled up position under my blanket to see the troubled look on his face.

He wordlessly walked over and dropped down onto the seat beside me. Rubbing his face with his palms he sighed a heavy breath. I pulled my arm out from under the blanket and rubbed up and down Julian's back. "I think they're done" he whispered. "what?" I frowned, "Liv said they were going to talk when she got back?" Julian turned around, shuffling to get under the blanket with me. He rested his head on my chest and I wrapped my arms around him. "He's convinced she's gonna take the offer and relocate." he sighed. "she might not..." I said, not at all sounding convincing. Julian gave me a sceptical look, "I know, I know, but let's not get carried away yet. She will probably come home, see those big brown puppy dog eyes of his and realise she can't leave him." I said, knowing they were Olivia's undoing. That, and his abs. Julian lifted his head and looked up at me, "Big brown puppy dog eyes huh?" He furrowed his brow. I snorted at his insinuation and rolled my eyes. "why don't mine work on you?" he asked, making me snigger, "you pout Julian" I stated, making him huff. I laughed. "see!'re just a doof" I smirked at him. He crinkled his nose up for a moment and then smirked, "but I'm your doof, huh" he nudged me playfully. I laughed and nodded, "yes...." I sighed, "you're my doof" I smiled. He chuckled childishly at me and squeezed his arms tight around my middle as he dropped his head back onto my chest. We stayed silent for a few minutes, I think we must have been thinking the same things, because then Julian spoke up again. "you know I didn't mean what I said that night right?" I nodded at him, "I am sorry Penny" he said softly, running his fingers down my bare arm. "I was hurting so much. I just said it without thinking." he said, "I know." I sighed, "I deserved it" I shrugged, "No. You don't." he said, "I don't deserve you short stack" he added, making me smile. "don't talk stupid" I scoffed at him, as he shuffled back around to look up at me. His blue eyes looking at my mouth, then up to my eyes. I ran my hands up his chest and leaned closer to him to press a kiss to his mouth.

I slight moan fluttered up my throat as he deepened the kiss. His muscular arms wrapping further around me, holding me firmly against him. "I love you Penny." he whispered after pulling away from me. "I love you too" I smiled at him, running my hand softly over his stubbly cheek. I pressed another kiss to his lips, slowly pushing my tongue into his mouth. I felt myself being slowly pulled underneath his muscular body as his arms unfolded and his hands moved to my waist, moving me further and further down until I was laying flat on the couch, his body lying on top of mine. We were still covered over with the blanket, but Julian soon took care of that, flinging it off us, our bodies kicking out way too much heat for under that thick material. "would you...I mean, are" he struggled to find the words, but I lay there looking up at him patiently. "tonight, um..."

"Spit it out J" I smirked. His brows raised in surprise at me, as I giggled at his floundering. "are you staying the night?" he sighed, ending the question with a shy smile. I giggled a little more at his adorableness and bit my lip as I nodded. "awesome" He smirked as he leaned down to attack my neck with his lips, earning a loud giggle from me as he began playfully growling and tickling my sides.

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