Vegas Baby! Part V

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"Babe, I told ya to relax" Julian purred at me,  as he practically had me pinned to him. "I know, but Jamie's out there somewhere; Liv and Dola are MIA and I may have very well lost one of my best friends!" I exclaimed, getting more flustered by the second. Julian sent me a smile - which would normally have me be a quivering mess but I was just too stressed. "It'll be fine, stop bugging out about it bubs" he said, smoothing his hand down my back and onto the curve of my ass. "give daddy some sugar" he winked at me, as he gripped my bottom hard in his hand. "Julian!" I snapped a little at him making him step back and look at me with wide eyes. I sighed, feeling instantly sorry for being mad with him. "ugh, I'm sorry J..." I sighed, looking up into those squinted eyes. I moved back up against him and pecked a small kiss to his lips. "short stack, you won't have lost Liv. Jamie was heading back to the house where mom and dad were going with Allie. She'll be fine." he assured me, "and Dola is-" he paused his sentence as something behind me caught my eye. "Holy shit...there!" he blurted out, pointing over my shoulder. Instantly I spun around and my eyes frantically searched for what it was he wanted me to see. 

"oh my god! No way!" I gasped, my eyes locking on the sight in front of me. "Dola's getting laid tonight" Julian chuckled beside me. I gasped at his comment and whacked him in the chest. "uh! babe you do that way too much" he winced at me, rubbing his chest. "you say shit like that way too much" I rolled my eyes as we both stood and watched our friends walking over to us. 

"guys" Dola looked between us both with a bashful smile. "Danny boy" I grinned widely at him. His cheeks all the way across to the tip of his ears were dusted pink. He looked adorable even if I did say so myself. "Penelope" he smiled back at me. "glad you're here" I smiled at him, being that I hadn't actually spoken to him all that much tonight, if at all really..."me too..." Jamie added, causing me to look at her at her- and then to their hands, as they linked fingers. My smile got even wider but I just had to get some details. I couldn't wait until the morning. "we need the bathroom" I declared, holding eye contact with her. She giggled lightly and I moved from Julian's side and grabbed her free arm, tugging her away from Dola. "woah I only just got her back!" he whined playfully. "I'm sure another 5 minutes isn't gonna kill you" I replied with a smirk. He chuckled a little more and I began to turn away from the guys, pulling Jamie with me. I looked round over my shoulder quickly to see Julian grabbing Danny and pulling him into a hug. My boys were happy again.


I marched her across the room and on the way I spotted Amelia. "like when are you and Gronk a thing?!" Jamie pulled a face at my friend as I dragged them both away from the guys and towards the bathroom. The look on Amelia's face was a flustered one, but she shook her head eventually. "we're not!" she blushed, as she stepped into the bathroom. The bright lights illuminating her pink cheeks. "H-he just asked me if he could buy me a drink!" she innocently tried to defend herself. I narrowed my eyes at her, and then at Jamie, but that's when I realised the true meaning of why we were in there right now.

"Right." I said, closing the bathroom door firmly, before leaning on it. Jamie was standing there, leaning against the sink with a soppy grin on her face and Amelia looked a little puzzled. "Jamie has some information she needs to share with us" I told Amelia. "tell us" I stated, looking back at Jamie, making her giggle. "when I got out of the club, he was with Olivia" she began, and my worst nightmare for her was just that. "she launched at him to kiss him" she grimaced, and admittedly I did too, but my heart was breaking for her. "he pushed her away and saw me standing there. He basically ran after me and yelled out in frustration" she smiled, "yelled what?" Amelia frowned. Jamie paused as she bit her lip, attempting to hold back the crazy grin on her face, but then-

"argh fuck!" I stumbled backwards as the door to the bathroom (that I was leaning on) rattled and pulled open. I grabbed a hold of the door frame and steadied myself. A scrape of heels and a strong aroma of perfume filled my nostrils and in rushed Olivia. She was sniffling and wiping her face, and of course when she saw the three of us standing there, she paused and stared at Jamie. 

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