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I woke up the next morning to the feeling of something hard pressing into my ass. My brain was still fuzzy and full of sleep, totally not aware of what time or even day it is. All I could think of was the heat coming off that man behind me. I slowly rolled over in his arms, so I was facing his chest and I pressed a kiss to his skin. A slight sound fluttered out of his mouth, but a deep sigh that followed told me he was still asleep. So I carefully moved down the bed, pressing kisses to his hairy torso, as I neared my target. He was as hard as a rock, which wasn't uncommon for Julian in a morning, and it had been a while since I had dealt with it for him...

I slowly littered kisses along the under side of his shaft, flicking my tongue out to lick a few kitten licks along it. This started him stirring, but still he remained asleep. I swirled my tongue around his head, and then sunk down onto him, flattening my tongue against it as I took all I could into my mouth. Bobbing up and down slowly a few times, I began a steady rhythm, knowing it was only a matter of time until he awoke.

And that, didn't take long at all. He didn't really move, or make a noise at first, I was busy working away when I felt his hand work into my hair, and the sheet being slowly pulled off of me, so he could watch.

I raised my eyes to look up through some whispy strands of hair that was covering my face, to be met by his sparkly blue ones looking at me from under his hooded lids. His brow was furrowed in concentration as usual, and his lips were slightly parted as his tongue flicked out to wet them. That little action almost had a tsunami occurring between my thighs...

"ugh Babe..." he grunted out at me, as I snapped my attention back to the task at hand. "fuck..." he hissed as I swirled my tongue over his tip once more.

Sadly though, this erotic moment was broken by the harsh ringing of his cell phone on the night stand. He fumbled for it with his free hand, as his other was still wrapped up in my hair, keeping my pace. He sent the caller to his voicemail and relaxed back again to continue watching me.

Then it rang again.
And again
And again...

"WHAT?!" He snapped loudly down the phone, I looked up at him again as he layed staring at the ceiling. "No! I'll be half an hour....no! Man fuck this! OK! OK! I'm comin!" he huffed angrily down the phone before slamming it down on the night stand again.

I'd already sat up at this point, leaving his member looking painfully hard, as he moved quickly to sit up. "I gotta go babe" he grunted, barely looking at me as he rushed about the room to pull on his clothes. "that was Gronk. I'm already a half hour late" he explained as he threw some things into his holdall. I stayed there on the bed, just watching him, yet to even mutter a syllable.

Once he'd finished throwing his things together, and pulled on his shorts, t-shirt and sneakers, he moved straight over to me on the bed. "man I fuckin wish we could have continued our little good morning to each other" he sighed, cupping my chin in his palm. "I'm so ready to eat you up." he purred at me, leaning down to kiss my lips. I breathed a deep sigh at his words, my body yearning for him. "and now I gotta head out with this fuckin thing in my pants" he mumbled, gesturing down to his more than obvious hard on. I giggled a little, biting my lip as I looked down to it and the back up to his face. "I gotta go, but I'll see you there in a little while?" he asked. Shit. In my sleep filled mind, I'd totally forgotten what today was. And my face must have shown it too. "at practice? You are still coming right?" he asked, looking into my eyes. "uh, yes, of course. I'll see you there" I smiled a small one at him. "awesome. See you soon beautiful. Love you" he winked at me before taking off down the stairs, "sometimes I just fucking love my job!" he yelled in frustration and with a loud slam, he was out the door.




To say I was in yet another bad mood when I arrived at practice this morning would be an understatement. I ran out onto the field, dropping my bag down next to some of the others and jogged out to begin my warm up.

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