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I walked up the stairs, still tugging Julian along behind me until we reached our bedroom. I let go of his hand and turned to face him. His bright blue eyes, still red and watery, looking back at me still had my heart racing. I smiled a gentle smile back up at him, as my hands moved to his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders. It slipped down his thick muscular arms and he caught it, throwing it down onto the floor near the closet. His eyes were still locked onto mine as I reached next for his tight grey t-shirt. I slowly pulled it up, baring his insanely toned abs, decorated by the dark curls of hair covering his smooth skin. He helped removed the shirt, pulling it over his head, and as soon as my hands were free of the material, they assaulted his body, my nails clawing through his chest hair, as I let out a desperate breath. I wanted him. I needed him.



This just wasn't right. I knew she was drunk, but I couldn't hold back from telling her about LA. And I didn't expect her to react like this. But I guess it was the alcohol. I should be stopping her. I felt like I was taking advantage. But, I mean fuck, she was undressing me. This shit was so damn sexy. "Baby..." I breathed out, my eyes half closed, enjoying the feeling of her nails on my skin. Her tongue ran over my left nipple and I let out a growl. Her hands loosened my pants and disappeared down into my briefs, but there wasn't even a twitch right now...

"I need you J" she whined, looking up at me with her big beautiful eyes. I cursed myself right now, cursed my conscience. Even though she seemed to be okay, I was feeling the guilt from what I'd told her. But I tried to surpress it, letting her tug down my pants, and pulling them off my legs. I swallowed hard and prayed I'd get some life in my cock, otherwise tonight would be ruined.

But as soon as she stood up from removing my pants, I leaned down, my hands gripping the hem of her tight black dress, wasting little time in pulling it quickly up and off her body.

I threw it down on top of my jacket whilst my eyes ate up the sight in front of me. Her hair was messy, her eyes playful and the smirk on her face was hot. The only thing in the way right now was her black lacy panties, but they were never a problem. But my hesitation made the expression on her face change to one of worry. "are-are you okay?" she asked nervously, crossing her arms over her chest. Her demeanour changed in a second. "baby... Don't be stupid." I whispered, sending her a soft smile, I reached out, placing a hand on her back, gently pulling her against my chest. I held her against me, feeling her milky soft skin on mine. "I just... I can't... Um..." I stammered, not knowing exactly how to say it. "can we just cuddle?" I said, wincing a little, waiting on her reaction.

She nodded at me, timidly, and moved out of my arms and over to the bed. Watching her ass walking away from me in her panties would have me as hard as a rock, but right now there wasn't even a twitch. Fuck.



I woke up the next morning with a headache that could make the Hulk cry like a baby. I had no idea how much I had drunk last night and I was totally paying the price right now. I fought to open my heavy lids, blinking away the little sleep I felt like I had.

I turned to look to the side of the bed that has been empty the passed few days, seeing that it was indeed still empty. I frowned, trying to piece together something, when I heard a clatter of something downstairs and then a curse word or three. So I slipped out of bed, pulling on my silk dressing gown and fastening it up as I made my way down the stairs.

Greeted by the sight of Julian, shirtless and just in a pair of Puma sweatpants, my heart fluttered, seeing he was attempting to make breakfast. I smiled gently and moved over to the stove, "J, go make the juice... I'll cook the cakes" I said softly, bumping his hip with mine as I took charge of the pancake batter. From the corner of my eye I saw him watch me, but after a few beats he turned and headed for the fridge.

I looked back over there, watching that perfectly muscular back of his. His muscles flexing beneath his smooth skin, until he turned around and my eyes caught sight of his chest, his hard, toned deliciously hairy chest. The aching between my legs seemed heavier than ever. But last night didn't we...? My fuzzy brain tried to swim through the memories of last night, attempting to piece together what happened. Then it hit me.



He couldn't get it up.

Suddenly the idea of breakfast made me want to hurl. I took a shaky breath and leaned my hands against the counter top to steady myself.

"you were gonna sleep with someone else..." I whispered out in an upset breath. Julian closed the fridge door and spun around to face me. Yet I couldn't look at him.


I gripped tight on the juice in my hands as I heard her upset whispers. My face screwed up and my heart shattered as I knew her reaction last night was only buffered by the alcohol. I took a breath and turned around to face her, her tiny frame leaning against the counter, eyes fixed on the slowly burning pancake on the stove.

I took slow steps towards her, not having a clue how to approach this right now. So I reached across her, turning off the gas, my close proximity to her had her recoiling away from me. Moving to the other end of the kitchen.

Green eyes looked back at me, tears beginning to overflow, smudging the already smeared mascara around her eyes. "baby, nothing happened" I whispered back, knowing it wasn't wise to try and move over to her. Nor were my words actually going to make a difference. She slowly shook her head at me, "I-I thought it was a nightmare I had last night, b-but it's not..." she whispered, still shaking her head. "Y-you were going to go home with her" she said, her face twisting to show the hurt in her heart. I moved a step closer to her, I needed to hold her. "baby, I wouldn't do that to you. I didn't want to go home with her" I said. I reached out to touch her, big mistake.

"BUT YOU ALMOST FUCKING DID!!!" She yelled at me, louder than I'd ever heard her yell. Her tiny hands balled up and in anger she lashed out at me, pounding her fists against my chest as she shouted, tears falling freely from her eyes. "YOU WERE GOING TO TAKE ANOTHER GIRL HOME JULIAN!!! BE WITH HER IN THE ONLY WAY THAT'S JUST FOR ME AND YOU!!!" She bawled, still pounding at me, but I took it. I clamped my eyes shut as tears fell down my face, and I fought to wrap my arms around her body, holding her against my bare skin.

After a few seconds she stopped, exhausted, collapsing against me, in my arms. Sobs racking her body, her damp cheek against my chest. I wanted to crumble, but I had no right. Look at what I had done to her. The mere thought of me cheating on her was as bad as actually doing it. "I'm so sorry babe." I whispered, gently running my hand through her hair. "but I swear I didn't go home with her....I didn't even know what I was doing." I huffed, swallowing the huge ball of nausea that was sitting in my throat. "you did enough to get out of that bar and walk outside with her. To fucking talk to her enough to let her think you were up for it!" she hissed at me, pushing against me, to break free of my arms. I stumbled back, looking down at her. "baby, no..." I cried, "I don't care what you have to say Julian." she sniffled, wiping her eyes, "this time you've done something I don't think I can ever forgive" she spluttered out, before disappearing into the guest room and locking the door.

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