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"Can I talk to you Shayne?" Ian says that looking unhappy.

"I uh.. I.. sure" I say nervously.

I leave Olivia and give her a last glance before following after Ian. We walk into his office and he closes the door.

"Shayne?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I say.

"You know we have rules for a reason" Ian starts.

"Yeah I know but-" I say.

"The rules were put in place for reasons like this" he interrupts me.

"Like this?" I ask.

"Relationships always end badly between co-workers" He says.

"Yeah but Olivia and I are different" I say.

"As much as I know you wish that to be true, I can't allow it" He says.

"What if we keep it out of the office?" I plead.

"I'm sorry but it won't work like that either, it will make videos and activities awkward" He says.

"You're left with only two options" Ian finished.

"And?" I ask.

"Either you guys end the relationship or I will have to fire Olivia" He says sternly.

"Wait what?" I say taken aback.

"Why her and not me?" I say.

"It's not that I don't like her, it's that you do bigger numbers for the channel" He says.

"That's not fair" I say.

"I'm sorry but you have to pick one or the other" He says.

"I love Olivia to much to break her heart" I say.

"Well then you leave me with no choice, I have to let her go" Ian says.

"No" I state.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I quit" I say matter of factly.

"What?" He says taken by surprise.

"I won't break her heart or make her lose her job" I reply.

"Are you sure about this?" Ian asks.

"....Yes" I say getting up.

"Fine" Ian says dejectedly.

"It was nice knowing you, Its a shame you have to go" he says.

"Yeah" I say and walk out of the room.

I turn the corner and see Olivia is still waiting by the elevator. She looks nervous. When I reach her she grabs my hand.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing" I say trying to reassure her.

"Shayne!" She says angrily.

"He said we have to keep it out of the office" I lie.

".. well that's not as bad as it could've been" She says.

"Yeah" I say as we take the elevator down.

We arrive in the parking lot and say goodbye.

"I'll see you at work tomorrow" Olivia said waving.

".... Yeah.." I said slowly waving back.

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