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I walked into the office feeling energetic. Today we we're filming more videos. I was happy that I had a couple scenes with Olivia. I always tried to make her laugh by doing improv in the scenes. To tell the truth, half the time it was her improv that had me laughing. I saw Noah on set and said hello.

"Hey" I said.

"Sup" Noah said.

"You ready for your scenes today?" I ask him.

"Yeah I read the script last night" He says.

"Cool" I reply.

"You seen Olivia?" I ask.

"Yeah she's getting her makeup done with Courtney" He says.

"Cool, I'll see you later" I say.

"See ya" Noah says.

I walk to the makeup room. Courtney and Olivia are both sitting down getting their makeup done.

"Hey" I say to both of them.

"Hey Shayne" Olivia says smiling.

"What's up?" Courtney says.

"Not much, I just had a quick question for Olivia" I say.

"Shoot" Olivia says.

"Are you free to help go get some props later?" I ask.

"I think I should be once I'm done going over the script one last time" She said.

"Cool" I said starting to turn away.

I then realized it would look weird if it was just me and Olivia. I stopped midturn and looked at Courtney.

"Are you free to help too?" I asked Courtney.

"Sure, I should be free in a couple minutes" Courtney said.

"Cool" I said again.

I walked back to the office to chill out. I originally only wanted to go with Olivia but after what I told the squad I didn't want them to get any ideas. About 10 minutes later Olivia and Courtney came out ready to go. Olivia looked beautiful as always.

"You look good" I say.

I saw my Olivia blush and then i remembered Courtney was there.

"So do you" I say.

"Thanks" They both say.

We get our coats and head out the door. We went to Goodwill to see if we could find some cheap clothes for a video we're shooting next week. I was in the men's section looking at shirts when Olivia and Courtney came back from the women's section with some clothes.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Courtney says.

"Can you hold my stuff?" She asks Olivia.

"Sure" Olivia says as she takes the items.

Courtney leaves to go to the bathroom leaving just me and Olivia. I saw the door closed and then I turned back to the clothes rack. I had my hand on a shirt when I felt Olivia pull on my arm.

"Liv?" I ask.

Olivia grabs my face and gives me a long hard kiss before pulling away. Im suprised but I'm not complaining.

"What was that for?" I ask smiling.

"I've been wanting to do that since I saw you this morning" She says.

"Well I'm glad you had a chance to" I say smiling.

Olivia playfully punches me in the arm before going back to the women's section again. I'm getting ready to leave the section when Courtney comes back.

"Have you seen Olivia?" She asks.

"Yeah she went back to the women's section" I say.

"Thanks" She says.

"Oh you got something on your lips" Courtney says.

"I do?" I ask.

"Yeah here" She wipes it off with her finger.

"Thanks" I say.

"No problem, kinda smells like lip gloss" She says smelling the air.

"That's strange" I say nervously.

"Yeah I guess it must just be the clothes or something" She says confused.

"Yeah, weird" I reply.

"Alright, well try not to get any more on ya" Courtney says while walking off.

I laugh nervously while she leaves. When she's gone I check to make sure its all gone. That was a close one. Thank goodness she didn't connect the dots with Olivia. I go to the checkout later with Olivia and Courtney and we check out. While we're driving back Olivia asks Courtney a question.

"Can I borrow some lip gloss Court?" She asks.

"Yeah sure" Courtney says handing her some.

"Haha that's so weird" Courtney says suddenly.

"What?" Olivia asks.

"Shayne and I were talking about how the men's section smelled like lip gloss for some reason" Courtney says.

"Yeah haha I guess some dude must've gotten lucky there" I quickly joke trying to throw her off.

"Yeah haha" She says before going back on her phone.

Olivia shoots me a quick nervous glance. I try to reassure her with my eyes. She got the message I think because she turned back to apply her lip gloss and then her phone. The rest of the drive back to the office we listened to music.

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