Chapter Four

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Instead of waiting for the devil aka Blake, I walked home remembering the route we took by car in the morning. I missed London so much and I was so frustrated I hated the school and I hated Blake and barbie who's name I found out was Lexi. The weather started to match my mood, as the clouds turned grey and droplets of rain started dropping down, before you could say I like kids, heavy rain started pouring down, I shivered and wished I brought a coat with me today.

All of a sudden I heard a loud beep from my side. I turned to find none other but the devil himself with no speck of spaghetti on him.

"Hey, your gonna catch a cold let me drive you home" Blake shouted

I just carried on walking, flipping him off as I did so.

"Hmm fiesty I like my girls like that" he said arrogantly.

I turned to look at him and gave him a blank stare while saying this, venom lacing each and every word "Oh, im sorry I cant be 'your girl' you cant 'be friends with me' or associate with 'people like me' so do us both a favour and f*ck off" repeating the exact phrases he said to Lila the other day.

"A one night stand wont do any harm" He replied, smirking.

I huffed and rolled my eyes at him carrying on my journey home, even though I was sure I was going to catch a bad cold.

"Argh, let me down" I screamed at Blake who picked me up like I weighed nothing & had me on his shoulder, giving me a view of his totally cute ass. I was punching the back of his shoulders shouting at him to let me down, but my words went right through his other ear. He pushed me into the safety and warmth of his car and started driving. "I hate you" I stated.

"Love ya too babe" he replied sarcastically, but that statement still made my heart leap. Urgh.

The rain was starting to die down as we neared my house. I stared out of the window a million thoughts whizzing through my mind.

I quickly got out and walked towards my porch when I heard Blake call my name.

I turned to see him leaning on his car, he said one word, "Sorry"

and with that he walked away.

Its gonna take a lot more than sorry for me to forgive him but that was a start, I thought.

When I got inside the warmth of my house greeted me and the smell of macaroni cheese wafted towards my nose. I went to the kitchen and saw my dad humming to himself while laying out my dinner on a plate.

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?" he said kindly

"Peachy dad just peachy, im gonna go dry myself off upstairs I'll come back down to eat"

"Okay but sadly I have to go back to work and I wont be home until late night". He pecked my cheek and left me to go upstairs.

It gets so lonely at home I wish I had a sibling or a friend that could liven things up a bit.

When I finished getting ready and eating my dinner i decided to go upstairs and do the homework i was given. Afer I finished that I picked up a book and got comfortable, I wish my life was like a book, intresting and most of the time a happy ending. But I have to face reality my life was not a book and I have to get through it.

I looked out my window and decided to take a stroll around my house, there was a forest not far from there.

I got dressed in sweatpants, a warm hoodie and pulled on my converses. I texted my dad telling him that if hes home and im not there its because I was in the forest.

I got out of the house with my bag, I put a book and my keys in there. There might be a place where I could read that would take my mind off things.Definitely.

It was eerily quiet outside and the sun was starting to set, when I reached the forest I gasped, it was beautiful but terrifying at the same time. As i delved deeper into the enchanting forest I could see it more clearly. The wind howled and blew a bitter chill past the dying naked trees; it danced with the leaves and dragged them away unwillingly from the autumn ground. I lifted my face, letting the light and shadow dance across my skin. Bees hummed in and out of the pennyroyal. I inhaled the forests minty smell and continued on, delighting in the sound of my feet sliding through the leaves. But there was something else I could feel it, it was like a paranormal presence lurked in the essence of this very forest shadowing each living organism with presicion.

I carried on walking through the forest ignoring the roots that were hanging from the ground, causing me to trip.

From the distance I could hear the crunching of leaves coming nearer and nearer as the sky got darker and darker the only form of light was the gleaming moon. I ran as fast as my legs could take me when i tripped, on one of the stupid roots. Damn it. I shut my eyes waiting for death to claim me as i could feel someones warm breath on my cheek. Then loud laughter erupted I opened my eyes to see the devil there, staring at me with amusement in his eyes.

"You scared me" I explained with a shiver his eyes were glowing and the moonlight refelected on his face, making him look devilishly handsome.

"I could tell" He chuckled

I stood up dusting off the bits of dirt that clung to my sweatpants.

"Let me show you something" Blake calmly said a half smile appearing on his face

"I dont trust you, so no" I glared at him

"Please, I promise you'll love it, more than you love my sexy face" He pleaded

"Fine, but if your taking me to a dark area in this forest to rape then murder me, I'm gonna haunt your sorry ass and you're gonna regret it" I said ever so seriously.

A low chuckle came from his mouth as he said "Then you can see my hot body and if you're lucky, naked" he winked and beckoned me to follow him.

Wow this boy really was something!

When he said he wanted to show me something, I really didnt expect this. There before me was a clearing,

A breathtaking view of a lagoon with birds chirping sweetly which is like music to your ears. Wind blowing softly which feels like a breath of fresh air. Gentle dewdrops like tiny beads falling from the leaves onto your forehead. The sunset far away so lovely and filled with colors like pink, crimson and orange. A sweet smell coming from the flowers near the lagoon hanging onto the air. The water in the lagoon so crystal blue you can see everything in it. A place like this was so amazing i felt pleasured to see it, and i had Blake to thank.

"Its beautiful" I managed to breath out still starstruck by the beauty of the lagoon.

His only reply was a genuine smile the first I ever saw from him, he was gorgeous.

"How did you find this place" I asked

"I wanted to clear my head and I happened to stumble across here" he turned his head to look at me "I honestly am sorry, Lila didnt put me up to driving you to school, i swear, its just that me and my family were different, and if we get close to you, all of us are affected, we dont want a human getting involved".

Okay hold up, he just said human, isnt he human? I decided not to question it and just nodded at him.

I walked to a clear patch of jade grass and sat down, I got out my book and started reading, ignoring Blakes presence just focusing on the book and the sweet sounds and smells of this enchanting lagoon.

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